3 | A Tour of The Grounds

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A/N: Freddie boy makes an appearance next chapter! Who's excited? 🙋‍♀️

There was once a time when Albus Dumbledore truly believed that he had seen everything.

The moment he saw Calla Winters conjure the greatest storm he had ever seen with all the living energy she had in her body was that time.

But now, the girl in front of him was slowly proving him wrong.

"Try closing your fists and see what that does to the pressure!" Albus yelled as Naia swiped through the air, trying to solidify it just enough to create an air force capable of knocking over a tree.

Naia concentrated and closed her fist as she locked her eyes on the target. Matty and Maria were responsible for positioning them in multiple places, having them pop up from the ground with magic.

Jab, straight. She punched the air twice to hit the target made of earth and stone. The air that left her fists constricted in a new spiral pattern at increasing speed, successfully building up more pressure than she had before. The air punches hit the corner of the targets.

"Yes!" Naia proudly cheered.

"Good. Do that again! Practice your aim. Understand how the element interacts with each shift of your arm position."

Sweat dripped from Naia's forehead as she unsuccessfully hit the targets again. She got the air pressure bit after three days of practice, but she couldn't aim properly. It was annoying her as she was usually good at aiming as a chaser, but wind was a tricky element, and was rather difficult to control with precision.

"Argh! This isn't working! The stupid targets are too far, Matty! Are you moving them-"

"Maybe just a little-"

"Ugh!" She frustratedly threw an air punch at Matty and he was knocked over. Maria howled in laughter.

"It was him who told me to move the targets!" Matty complained, looking at Dumbledore. The headmaster raised his eyebrows in feigned innocence. "I did no such thing."


"Okay, okay, how about you lot come in for early dinner, the sun's going down." Emmaline said watching in amusement.

She was unbelievably proud of how much Naia was improving. The girl worked herself to death and her determination was unwavering. She would often get frustrated with herself when she couldn't get things right away. That girl was so impatient, it was hilarious.

"What's for dinner Mrs. V?" Maria said bouncing excitedly. They had been helping Naia train all afternoon, and spent the morning swimming by the beach, so no time to eat.

"Grilled Sea bass and some clam chowder."

"Wonderful." Matty muttered, his mouth watering at the sight of the dining table. He didn't wait for anyone as he sat in his seat, served himself some soup and scarfed it down. Maria and Naia looked at him in disgust and amusement.

The five sat down for their last meal together. It was the last time Naia would see her friends for a while. She was due to travel to Hogwarts with Emmaline in the next two weeks, and stay there with Dumbledore for a week before the semester started.

"Do you think... you'll tell anyone about your gift?" Matty asked as they all cuddled together by the fire once dinner had finished.

"I don't think so... I'd only tell those I trust completely with my life."

"Yeah Matty, and I doubt anyone could replace us in Naia baby's heart!" Maria said cuddling up to her. They all laughed.

"I don't know... I'm sure there are other strong sassy beaters in Hogwarts-"

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