45 | Jealousy, Jealousy

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A/N: ⚠️ Smut Warning. Graphic sexual content. If you are uncomfortable with those scenes feel free to skip those parts.

Naia was not too pleased to find out that a couple more Decrees had been put up by Umbridge. Given that more of Voldemort's death eaters had escaped Azkaban, it seemed to be all people could talk about nowadays. The teachers were henceforth banned from giving students any information due to yet another decree: this forbade the teaching body from giving the students any information that was not related with the subjects they were hired to teach.

Of course, this ensured many jokes among the students, to which Lee Jordan had made at Umbridge as she reprimanded them for playing a game of Exploding Snaps in her class.

"Exploding Snap's got nothing to do with Defence Against The Dark Arts, Professor! That's not information relating to your subject!"

Fred and George had taken him straight to Naia that night as he came back with cuts that were bleeding badly. In fact, she seemed to be getting quite a lot of customers nowadays. Students from other houses- especially the younger ones had heard of how she helped those who had gotten detention. It also prevented any Slytherins from finding out- as they never got any punishment.

She just finished healing a third-year Hufflepuff girl who had been chewing gum in class when Harry, Ron, and Hermione pulled her aside to inform her of his recent dreams.

Harry was taking Occlumency lessons with Snape, but his dreams and terrors kept coming. She knew he hated them as Snape was still as vile as ever, but it was necessary. At least he did not have Quidditch practice to interfere with those.

Angelina had been working the rest of the team to the bone. Their new beaters sucked ass, and Naia was slowly not looking forward to training all that much. She would normally be pumped for quidditch practice, but in this cold weather and without Fred, George, and Harry, it was just disappointing.

At least she always had Fred's awaiting arms to look forward to afterwards. He would endure the snow just to 'accompany' her, sitting in the stands with George, yelling out at the new beaters to "shape up". Angelina reprimanded them a few times for interfering but was grateful for some of their advice.

One of the sub-beaters and the worst among the two was Cormac McLaggen. He was somehow cockier this year, given the Ministry's Influence at Hogwarts. He'd often miss bludgers just to shamelessly flirt with Naia during practice.

"Oi Vance! Looking good as always."

"Thanks, Cormac" Naia nodded, distracted as she was currently doing rounds with Ginny.

"I mean, I may be a beater, but you sure are a keeper," he winked. Ginny nearly fell off her broom laughing. Naia winced as he was hit by a bludger that he failed to dodge. "Nothing in that sentence was true..." she mumbled, getting back into the game.

He would try cornering her in the locker rooms, chatting her up before she could get changed. She'd always be polite and respond to him cordially, but the past few weeks he had been getting rather confident.

"You know Vance, you're an excellent flier. My father's quite good friends with the representative of the Hollyhead Harpies and Chudley Cannons, you know..."

"Yeah, you've mentioned. That must be great," Naia mumbled, brushing her hair. He was obviously expecting a rather bigger reaction but confidently shrugged it off. "With your skill, I think they'd love to see you play." he said seductively, smirking at her.

"That would be nice."

"I mean if you want, I could hook you up... we could grab a dinner or something and I can phone them after..."

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