56 | Surprise Visit

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Naia waited for Emmaline to return to the Burrow after work before she spoke to her parents. Remus ought to know as well. She didn't want to tell everyone just yet, but close inner circle would do just fine.

Besides, she wanted to scold them a little bit for not even bothering to mention how Voldemort wanted her head served on a silver platter.

The three adults listened intently as she told them absolutely everything. The entire story of her mother's family and her descent, how she came to have the gift within her when none of her ancestors had. It was a conversation that had them all up until the dead of night.

"So let me get this straight," Sirius said, pacing before her as she sat on the bed. "Your mother hated us at first because-"

"-she had been taught to loathe wizards and witches and what they did to wipe out her kind, yes."

"That makes a lot of sense," Emmaline nodded thoughtfully. "You totally deserved that lamp being thrown at you then."

"It wasn't I that slaughtered an entire species!" Sirius said, "In fact, if I understood Naia correctly, I am responsible for bringing back a dormant Goddess," he smirked, making Lupin and Emmaline roll their eyes.

Naia spoke, "Well, technically, it was when your magic merged with mother's-"

"-and made you! My precious baby! It was MY magical swimmers!" he flopped down on the bed next to Emmaline's stomach. "You better hope it's my sperm that made you, little one." He cooed to her pregnant stomach. Remus growled at that.

"Get a grip, Sirius. I think Calla gets full credit for the god magic. If she did it with any other bloke, it'd be the same," Emmaline rolled her eyes playfully.

"Ah, but darling, no other wizard was able to pull a Siren but me. What does THAT tell you, eh?"

Emmaline narrowed her eyes, "You're bragging about your relations with another woman in front of one you've just knocked up?"

Sirius froze, looking at Emmaline momentarily before attacking her with kisses.

"I don't understand how no one in your line has ever encountered or took a wizard as a mate," Lupin said thoughtfully.

"They hid pretty well. And they were pretty much muggles, weren't they? They knew of the existence of wizards, but not the other way around. So it must've been easy to avoid." Naia said. Her eyes then narrowed at the three, "Speaking of avoiding... whose idea was it between you three to hide the fact that Voldemort wants me dead?"

All three adults froze and looked at her with wide eyes. "Is that what Dumbledore told you in his office?!"

"Yes, and I can't quite believe you three PLUS Fred hid it from me for so bloody long. I think I have the right to know if a hoard of Dark Wizards want my head, don't I?"

"I wanted to tell you," Sirius raised his hands in defence, while Emmaline and Lupin just looked down guiltily. She stared at them sternly like the familial roles were reversed.

"It was me and Dumbledore who didn't want you knowing..." Emmaline sighed. "I felt like if we told you, it would make it all the more a reality-"

"That's ridiculous, mum! You of all people should know that I'm capable of protecting myself. You're the last person I expected this from." Her mother was always the first to crack and tell her everything. She was her best friend. Her mother never really treated her like a child as she was growing up, so she didn't understand why she would keep this of all things.

"You shouldn't be burdened with that! Not now, you're still so young-"

"That's not an excuse!"

"I know, alright? I'm sorry, I just... it's one thing to fight in a war. But it's completely different when you know it's your own CHILD they want dead! As a mother, how could you possibly accept that?!" Emmaline said strongly. Her eyes were wide in a sorrow Naia had never seen on her before. The fear that crept behind her irises was one she has yet to fully understand.

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