46 | Last Hoorah

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A/N: ⚠️ Smut Warning. Graphic sexual content. If you are uncomfortable with those scenes feel free to skip those parts.

The lesson everyone had been looking forward to had come. They were working on Patronuses for today's DA practice, and Naia was beyond excited. She was having a little trouble conjuring hers up, however.

She watched Hermione's silvery Otter float around, soon to be chased by Ron's Jack Russel. Luna's hare was bouncing around her. She was having a bit of trouble producing one considering the last time she tried, her father had been on the brink of death.

It was a terrifying experience, and she sighed as she failed to produce it after yet another attempt.

"What's wrong, love? Struggling a bit?" Fred asked coming up to hug her from behind. "Yeah... have you gotten yours?"

"Nope... not yet. Just finished planning out the portable swamps," he smirked, "What's got you stuck?"

"I just... I try to think of a good memory but I just can't help but think about that night when I tried to produce a Patronus and failed... I thought that I would've lost my dad because of it."

"Well, I'm sure you want to make sure it doesn't happen again," he kissed her head, "Try thinking of me why don't you? That ought to put a smile on your face ey?"

"Oh, shove off," she smiled and pushed him away. "I'm gonna try again, c'mon. Let's get to it."

She closed her eyes and tried to picture a happy memory. The time she won the Ilvermorny cup? Nope didn't work. The time she won the quidditch cup in her third year?

"Expecto Patronum!"

Nothing. Not even a wisp of light. She tried again. Alright, the Quidditch cup... Fred kissing her after they'd won...

A smile grew on her face. She began to think of that summer in her beach home. Swimming with Harry, being in the falls with Fred. The smile grew wider on her face as she recalled him confessing his feelings for her. And then suddenly her head was filled with memories of the two of them. The times they'd spend cuddling by the lake, all their memories spent in the room of requirement... she couldn't help it, Fred was right, she couldn't stop the smile on her face and the flutter in her chest. She tried the spell again. Silvery wisps of light poured through her wand and like smoke before her eyes, she saw the light form into a creature. Her smile widened.

It was huge in size, with three pairs of magnificent wings soaring through the room. The other students watched in awe, looking back at her in shock at the size of it. It was her Patronus alright. A true Thunderbird.

"Well done, Naia!" Harry beamed. Not a minute after, her Patronus was joined by another Thunderbird, pecking and clawing at each other affectionately as they soared through the room. She looked to her right to see a beaming Fred right next to her, his wand outstretched, watching his own Patronus in disbelief.

"You know, my parents' Patronus matched each other's as well..." Harry said smiling as they watched the birds. "Love plays a pretty big part in it."

"That's so sweet," Cho said with an 'awe.' Fred just pulled Naia to him, kissing her neck affectionately.

"You know, the Thunderbird is considered a dominating force of all natural activity and transformation..." Luna said dreamily, "It has a pure and adventurous spirit, indomitable, and represents nobility, power, sensibility, and expansiveness..."

"That's good to know," Fred nodded with a thoughtful frown.

All of a sudden, Dobby the house-elf showed up anxiously. He tried to spit out what he had been trying to say, but everyone soon became terrified at the warning that Umbridge was on her way to bust them.

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