25 | The Rift

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Naia watched in horror as all heads turned towards Harry. He looked like a deer caught in headlights as he shrank into his seat. There was an angry buzz and whispers of protest all around them. The teachers were whispering harshly, and Fred was squeezing Naia's hand tightly, but nothing beat the fear that crept into her heart at what this meant.

She was adamant about Fred and George entering such a dangerous tournament, given they were young, but Harry? He was only fourteen!

"Harry?" Naia asked softly.

"I didn't put my name in," Harry said blankly to his friends, "You know I didn't," He looked at Naia with fear in his eyes and they both came to the same realization then.

They're planning something in Hogwarts. She remembered her conversation with her mother and Harry that night in the burrow. Harry's dream.

"Harry Potter! Harry! Up here, if you please!" Dumbledore boomed.

They're planning to kill him. She remembered the dream Harry had once more.

"Go on," Hermione whispered, giving Harry a slight push.

Lay low, don't get yourselves into trouble. Something's going to happen. Her mother's warnings to them both rang in her ears as she watched Harry walk towards the front. Naia clutched Fred's hand as she fought the urge to run to him.

"How'd he bloody do it?!" Ron said in shock.

"Isn't it obvious? He just told us he didn't!" Hermione whispered back.

"But he so obviously did!" said Ron. Naia shook her head frantically. "No, he wouldn't."

"Did you know about this?" George asked Naia. She shook her head again, looking nervous.

"Bloody git's done it!" Fred exclaimed.

"We got a Gryffindor champion!" Angelina said.

"No, they can't let him compete. They just can't..." Naia said, shaking her head.

"You alright, Vance?" George asked and she shook her head. Everyone started to leave the hall.

Naia, Fred, and George hung back as the rest of their housemates made their way to the common room.

"This is bad. This is really really bad..."

"How? We've got a Gryffindor champion now! Harry will be fine-"

"You don't know that, Fred! He's just fourteen! He's in so much danger..."

"Dumbledore said it'll be safe-" George said, not understanding why Naia was so distressed.

She shook her head. "No... no, that doesn't matter. He's in danger." she said, looking at them both. "You both remember what I told you at the Burrow, why mum and Sirius had asked us to lay low..."

Understanding soon filled the twins' eyes. "You don't reckon Harry's dream-"

"I do, it's happening, George," Naia nodded. "They had said they were planning something for him this year... during an event, it has to be it, Harry for a fact did not put his name in the Goblet of Fire."

"I mean he could have-"

"No, not while knowing he could be in danger if he did. Mum and dad already warned him." She shook her head, he listens to Sirius..."did you see the look on his face? he was-"

"-scared...." Fred said, nodding in realization. "Dumbledore wouldn't let him compete surely-"

"Plus," Naia added, "it would've taken a very advanced wizard and a powerful confundus charm to get past the Goblet... Harry doesn't know that, it's very advanced magic," she said, shaking her head.

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