80 | Fire and Blood

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Here's a long chapter! I'm very sorry for the long wait. Finals and work has had me very swamped with almost no time to write. I wanted to release this chapter sooner, but with the free time I did have I could not for the life of me get into the right mindset to write a chapter worthy of the events I had planned. But alas, here I have it finally! I hope you can forgive me for the long wait.


"No no no!"

The density in the air was still heavily felt only seconds after the explosion. Among those battling nearby, the loud ringing was still sound among the cries of a man on his knees. There were remains everywhere of a wall that withstood nearly over a thousand years. Littered among the debris were the survivors. And among them all kneeled a wizard whose shoulders shook in disbelief.

There was an air of distress that surrounded all those who fought on the seventh floor. Huddled in the middle of the rubble was a small group of wizards crouched over a single body.

"Bloody idiot!"

Fred Weasley shook the shoulders of his rival, willing him to wake. He was horrified by the fact that it was the Slytherin git of all people who had pushed him out of the way of a large mass of stone. He awoke only moments after, looking to see the large mass that would have taken his life had claimed Adrian Pucey's instead.

"Wake up, mate. C'mon!"

There was a crash nearby as the battle commenced, but Fred's eyes never strayed from his unexpected savior. He cast a Circanian revival spell hopelessly, willing Adrian to wake.

The fallen comrade shifted his head slightly and shook, blood seeping past his lips as he coughed. Fred let out a relieved sigh. "Help me get this shit off him!"

Percy, Harry, and Ron were quick to levitate the stone that had crushed Adrian's body. "You're not gonna die, mate. Not today." His hand clasped Adrian's tightly. "We'll get you some help."

Percy looked away, fully knowing that Fred's words were untrue.

Adrian breathed roughly through his nose. They were short and hard, indicating how much of a struggle it was to even do so. Tears began to gather in his eyes as he tried his best to speak. "Tell Naia..."

"No," Fred shook his head, "No, you'll tell her yourself." Adrian's grip tightened in his hand. "Tell Naia, please. Tell her I'm sorry."

The tears began to fall from Fred's cheeks. The fucking idiot just had to push him out of the way, didn't he? The guilt and hurt bubbled in his chest. As he looked into Adrian's eyes, it was clear he was fading. "I'll tell her."

"I'm happy for you both. Truly I am. And I'm sorry for how I treated you."

"It wasn't a one-way street." Fred swallowed, knowing that Pucey had actively sacrificed his life to save his own. "Thank you."

"I didn't do it for you."

Fred knew that. There was a deep respect he now held for the hero below him. Adrian coughed, eyes still desperately on his. "Tell her..."

"I will."

The dying boy blinked, eyes shifting to look over at the decorated ceiling. Another second passed and then another, and then, he saw no more.

Fred lowered his head on his rival's chest, shoulders shaking in pained sobs. There was a body that flew at them from the hole in the wall, and spells blew past them in the darkness, hitting the wall behind their heads.

"Get down!" Harry shouted more curses into the night.

"Fred, come on, we got to move!" Fred shook his head. "Fred!" Percy seized his younger brother's shoulders and pulled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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