69 | The Traveller

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The thrush from being sucked through time and space almost made Naia nauseous. She was used to the feeling of travelling via portkey, but there was something a little different with this magic- the stranger's magic. She heard the clash of her friends' screams as they made their way out of the Hellenic League of Magic with a 'pop'.

She sucked in a breath when her body solidified into the physical plane once again, only for it to be knocked out as she landed heavily on the hardwood floor.

She took a moment to steady her sight- suddenly feeling overly nauseous from the unexpected trip. Breathing heavily, Naia rested both hands on the floor beneath her with her eyes tightly shut. Just for a few seconds, until the world stopped spinning.

There was a groan to her left and once her head settled, she glanced to see Fred pulling himself up. He glanced warily at his surroundings and at the stranger who had brought them there.

"You alright?" her fiancé approached, eyes worried as he checked her over for any injuries and whatnot. When he found none, Fred heaved her up to stand and both their eyes landed on the masked stranger putting his enchanted portkey necklace back into his shirt.

"What the hell just happened? How did you get that portkey?"

"Where'd the monster go?!"

"Where have you taken us?"

Matty, Maria, and George all asked at the same time. The stranger remained quiet, walking around the room to sit on a leather sofa. "Please, sit." He drawled, "make yourselves comfortable."

"Like hell we will! Who are you?"

The stranger didn't seemed fazed in the slightest, reaching to pour himself a drink from a whiskey decanter set up between the seats. "I'll tell you while we all enjoy ourselves to some refreshments. You lot certainly look like you need it."

No one moved, eyeing the man warily. Naia took the opportunity to observe the room they were in. It was entirely made of wood, with enchanted lamps and an iron chandelier keeping the place alight. Off to her right was a wooden mini-bar, and right across it, a dining table with six chairs stationed around it. The table and chairs were intricately carved and finished with a pristine polish. There were several heavy chests that lined the walls, and right on the main wall facing the living room was a giant map of the continent. Naia supposed it to be enchanted, seeing as she saw various ships and elements move from within it. The dining room was also surrounded by large arched windows, making her even more curious as to where they could be. She's certainly never seen a flat like this before.

The man removed his lower bandana, revealing a handsome face with a set jawline. He looked younger than she had expected, sporting a bearded goatee that only made him look even more mysterious. His eyes remained on her as he took a sip from his glass, and something about him peaked her curiosity.

He did seem to recognize her necklace. That for sure was no coincidence. He must know something.

His eyes remained on her as she was the only one from the group to walk forward. If this man wanted to kill them, surely they'd be stunned and dead by now with that Chimera of his. She poured herself a glass of Firewhiskey and took her seat on the leather couch across from him, crossing her legs. He smirked as her eyes narrowed, bringing the glass to her lips as she took a delicate sip.

The stranger's eyes flickered to the others who begrudgingly did the same. Fred made his way to Naia, placing himself next to her protectively after pouring himself a drink. Maria sat on the other side of her, with George sitting on the arm of the couch and Matty on one of the leather loveseats.

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