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Naia tiptoed around the details of her conversation with Circe when Fred asked about it. She knew it would be a challenge divulging the very critical part of the ritual... but she couldn't bring herself to tell him about the mortal peril she would be in. Not when he was training so hard and worrying over it so much already.

It's not like she didn't mean to not tell him. She walked into their quarters that night with the intention to let him know, but was greeted by a beaming Fred who showed her his advancements in Circanian magic. He told her about the training he was going through with Ardeas. To protect them both. To protect her.

To tell him that these efforts would be rendered useless if she didn't survive the ritual- something he had absolutely no control over? She didn't have the heart.

So she told him about her sessions with Circe and he awed at what she was to learn- even if he didn't fully understand it. She figured there was no need to worry him. She'd just do well in her training to make sure all goes smoothly.

It was easier said than done.

"Concentrate," Circe commanded sternly. "You must endure it. Keep standing."

"I'm trying," Naia grit out. Sweat lined her brow as she clenched her fists tighter before her. The room was alight with the magic Naia was trying to wield. Golden plasma shined through her skin like veins and circled around her forearms like smoke.

It was way more challenging than she thought. For her training, her core would have to be exercised to deal with the surge in magic. One way Circe planned to do that was through wielding a magic similar than the one Naia was to take- her very own.

She observed the young witch with keen eyes, and circled around where she stood at the center of her fountain. There, she had instructed Naia to extend her fists face up as she induced an abundance of her own magic to flow through her.

Naia's job was to hold as much magical energy as possible, for an extended amount of time.

"What's the time?" she grit out.

"Five more minutes."

She released a shaky breath as she struggled to keep all the magic within her. She could feel it setting her insides alight. It was thrilling but also exhausting.

On the first day, she could only hold the magic for less than a minute. Now, after a few days of training, she was going on fifteen. They did multiple rounds, taking breaks after every attempt.

Fred worried about her state whenever she tumbled into bed. He wanted to come watch, but Circe requested their privacy during their sessions, much to his dismay. Naia often stumbled into their chambers, too tired to even get ready for bed.

"Worked you hard today, did they, bunny?" He frowned, pulling her slumped form into his arms. "Want a clean up?"


"Clean up first, love. You'll complain about it in the morning, I know you."

She pouted adorably. "Do it f'me then?"

His mouth quirked up in the slightest as he kissed her forehead delicately. "Spoiled bunny."

He lifted her up into his arms and walked them into the bathroom. She let him take care of her, moaning when he dipped her into the soothing bath waters.

If there was one thing she loved, it was Fred's baths.

She closed her eyes as he gently washed her clean, taking his place right behind her. He soaked her hair with the Aeaean cleaning oils that smelled too heavenly to describe.

Diving Into You | Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now