27 | Just Not Enough

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A/N: Alexa, play Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo 😭

Vanilla and Coconuts... his eyes were shut in a fleeting moment of bliss as the familiar scent he had come to love filled his senses. But as soon as it came, reality came crashing down on him.

Fred Weasley was in shock for a moment. He didn't know just how long he had been frozen in place when Astrid pulled him in for a kiss, but the moment his sanity returned to him, he jumped away.

She was looking at him cheekily like she had just done something bad. And boy did she do it.

"What are you doing!?" Fred asked in shock.

Someone came over to him and he received a smack behind his head. "Idiot!" He looked up to see Lee standing over him, looking at him in outrage. "What the fuck, man?"

"Look, Astrid. This was a mistake-"

"I don't see what the problem is, you and Naia aren't even together-" she said angrily.

"But I want us to be!" Fred said in outrage. The room stared at him in shock, Lee included. George walked in hastily, having just heard what had happened from Macavoy, one of Cedric's Hufflepuff friends.

"Look, Astrid. This was a mistake-" Fred said angrily, getting up and storming out of the room. George and Lee followed him.

"Mate-" George started. Fred shook his head hastily, his hands on his face. "What did I just do? I'm such an idiot!"

"Yeah..." Lee said. George nudged him in scolding and looked back at his brother in concern. "You didn't mean to, right? I mean-"

"Of course I didn't! We were just talking and then she... well she leaned in, and for a moment she smelled like her..."

"Yeah, I heard Estelle telling me about this french perfume that had like ten percent of Amortentia," George said quietly.

"Oh Godric- what am I gonna do? Naia's gonna hate me..." his voice broke as he said the latter part.

"I don't think she'll hate you, Fred," George said soothingly.

"She might find out from others though," Lee mumbled. "You ought to tell her asap."

"I have to tell her. I have to tell her what happened and just say I'm sorry-" Fred said, nodding to himself in panic. Just then, Malcolm Preece, one of the Hufflepuff chasers walked past them.

"Too late," he said, sipping on his drink casually. The three turned their heads to him. "She saw everything."

Fred's heart dropped to his stomach. "What do you mean she saw everything?"

"She came in looking for you I think," Malcolm said with a shrug. "You should've seen the look on her face. Cedric rushed after her as she left." Malcolm shook his head. "That was foul, Weasley"

"Fuck," Fred said, pulling on his hair, "Where'd they go?"

"Out, I assume,"

Fred rushed out of the ship, George and Lee on his tail as he looked for Naia. She was nowhere to be seen, however, and so they figured she went back to the dorms. The only thought that rushed through Fred's head at that moment was that he couldn't bear to lose her over one drunken mistake.

Entering the portrait hole, he immediately spotted Harry and Ron standing by the couches.

"Where's Naia?!" He asked in a panic.

"In her room," Harry spat, glaring at Fred for the first time in his life, "She had a rough night."

"Look, what she saw, it wasn't-"

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