16 | The House Cup

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A/N: Attached the song for this chapter <3

Weeks had passed and the Easter Holidays proved to be the least-relaxing 'holiday' Naia had ever experienced. She was swamped with homework and spent most of her days with Hermione in the library, which was something Fred constantly whined about.

Fred seemed to form more of an attachment to her ever since finding out that she fancied someone. Geroge had a strong belief that it was Fred, and while Fred's ears would turn as red as his hair and he'd curse his brother for joking around, a part of him hoped he was right.

They would lay in the common room, Naia with her nose in a book or writing her essay, with Fred playing around with his notepad for ideas. Sometimes he'd have an arm wrapped around her casually and mess with her book, purposely flipping her pages and making her lose focus just to get her to lighten up. Naia would laugh and playfully scold him, telling him to focus on his own work. But he just loved trying to make her seem a little less stressed than she was.

The Quidditch finals were coming up, and their game with Slytherin became the most talked about game of the year. There was a lot of pressure on the team, Naia and Harry especially.

The match induced tension between the two teams. Everyone on the Slytherin team seemed to be extra nasty to Gryffindors walking the halls and vice versa. A number of fights had ensued in the hallways, constant provoking and harsh words were exchanged to the point where it had become personal.

Fred and George seemed to accompany Naia to and from each of her classes. They'd grown even more protective around her due to the upcoming game. Sure, Pucey would never touch Naia, but the rest of his team well could. Montague and Warrington would occasionally goad her, but she always replied with a sassy comeback of her own, shutting them up. She figured that Pucey told them of what went down during their Hogsmeade trip, and they were just being protective over their friend. Not like Pucey needed any protection, he'd scold them if he heard them ever saying anything to her out of line.

Adrian hadn't stopped visiting her and Hermione in the library. Hermione would get a little bit wary with him along, given the tension between the two houses, but she soon realized that none of the Slytherin members ever approached them when he was around. This still bothered Fred to no end, insisting she just studies with him or in their common room.

Naia had grown tired of Crabbe and Goyle's constant attempt at tripping Harry and targeting him wherever he went. She made sure to stick with him between classes at all times- meaning Fred and George often came with. She gave any Slytherin that tried to physically harm her team trouble- little things like making them slip on ice, or flicking her finger at them from a distance to knock them over with a little push of wind. She was always too far for them to suspect her, and loved making Harry, Ron, Fred, and George laugh whenever she did it.

The night before the match, everyone gathered in the Gryffindor common room. Nerves were high- even Hermione dropped the books to spend time with them. Naia watched as Angelina laughed at something Fred said, putting her hand on his arm.

With the amount of time Naia's been spending with Fred, her feelings for him had definitely grown to the point where she considered confiding in someone about it. She wasn't sure how long she could keep this to herself. It was becoming harder to ignore the feeling of annoyance at seeing Angelina with Fred as she did. Like, she knew Fred always made jokes to make her laugh and she wanted all of them to herself.

What is wrong with me? She thought.

"Team! Bed!" Oliver shouted, and they all got up to head to their dorms.

"Night, Thunderbird!" George said on his way up. Naia replied with a goodnight and was about to head up when Fred approached her.

"Make sure to get a good night's rest, yeah?" He said, looking into her eyes. Her heart fluttered and she swallowed, nodding her head.

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