50 | Daddy Issues

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"I'm sorry, I must've misheard you. Could you say that again, please?" Naia asked, blinking hard at the adults before her.

"You will not be going back to Hogwarts this year," Dumbledore said.

"What?! Why?! That's crazy!"

Emmaline whistled lowly, leaning on Remus, "I told you she'd take it like this."

"I am afraid it is too dangerous now for you to remain in school," Dumbledore said calmly.

She looked at him in confusion, "I thought Hogwarts was supposed to be the safest place."

"Yes, well, it'd be well predictable to have you there. You forget, Naia, you are a target now. Attacks are beginning again, and there is no telling what new stunts they may pull this time. I know you will miss your friends-"

"I still don't understand. I thought the whole reason for me transferring here in the first place was so you could train and keep an eye on me," Naia said with her eyes narrowed. Fred squeezed her hand. "Yes, but I am only one man, Naia. If you had the entire Order here with you ready to defend and apparate you somewhere safe, it would be much safer."

Sirius scoffed, "Yes, like that is the only reason for this arrangement."

Emmaline and Lupin narrowed their eyes at Sirius in warning. Dumbledore only sighed. "Your father is right. There are more reasons behind your safety." the Headmaster looked at her sternly. "You must train harder now. With a bigger target on your back, it is necessary to focus and prioritize you mastering your abilities. Hogwarts is not an ideal place for this, and you will need a proper training ground, time, and schedule. You cannot do that with students and teachers all around to see."

"But what about the Room of Requirement?"

"Your gift is fuelled by the elements. To master these, you must remain connected to them," he said looking out the window. "You are to train in an open area-"

"But, there isn't any of that here," Naia said, gesturing at the Grimmauld place drawing room where they were currently sat. "No, indeed, there isn't. This is why you will be training and living mostly at the Burrow. Molly and Arthur were happy to offer their residence which happens to have much more open space. Their security has also been heightened, and the Ministry will be adding more security charms around the area. That is where you and the others will be remaining for the rest of the summer."

Naia leaned back on her chair, thinking along with Fred. She wouldn't be in school with her friends! Now, that sucked. So what, she'd be in the Burrow alone? Molly and Arthur were a great company of course, and well, with all the kids gone and Mr. Weasley at work, she supposed Mrs. Weasley would love someone around the house. "So would this entire arrangement mean I'd be out of school?"

Lupin scoffed, "Of course not. We'd never have you sacrifice your entire education for this."

"Minerva will be sure to send you all your school work, assignments, and lecture notes for your classes. You will be completing your sixth year, just from home." So all the schoolwork but without the friends or activities to make it better. That wasn't too great. Emmaline could tell from the look on her face that Naia wasn't all too happy about this. "Look, you won't be completely alone. With the heightened security at the Burrow, Order meetings will be held there."

"Georgie and I will try to come home for dinner every night," Fred said reassuringly.

"Yes," Dumbledore nodded, "Plus those training you will be staying there for most of the time-"

"Who?" Fred asked. "I suppose George and I could-"

"You are to help with training, Mr. Weasley, yes. But I understand that you've got a rather busy schedule with your shop. Charlie Weasley is back from Romania for the Order. He has agreed upon my request to pause on training the dragons and train Naia instead. He will also be going on various missions." Dumbledore said, "And of course, Sirius will take that responsibility as well, seeing as he too, though pardoned, must remain on the down-low."

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