54 | So Much for the Holiday

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November rolled around and Naia was wrapping up her midterms and resumed her training. She was feeling quite proud of herself, and knew that the much needed break gave her enough resolve to bounce back into Moody's new plans.

She trained using her wand for magic and the use of her gift simultaneously. The practice took a lot out of her, seeing as the switching between both types of magic took a while to get the hang of. There were many times where she would aim to block with her wand and end up casting an air shield by accident.

The typical residents of the Burrow sat around the table for dinner. "So...we've got a little announcement." Sirius said with a cheeky smile.

The table listened on in silence. Emmaline smiled softly at Sirius and Lupin who sat at either side of her. She went to hold their hands over the table. "We're pregnant."

Everyone looked at them in shock, George nearly choking on his sausage roll. Tears gathered in Naia's eyes as she looked at her parents, hand to her mouth. "No way!"

"Yes way! We're gonna have a puppy kennel!"


"Oh, Merlin," Naia scrambled up and went to hug her mother. Mrs. Weasley was in tears and everyone at the table hugged the three to congratulate them. "I'm gonna have a little brother or sister," Naia whispered in disbelief.

"I know now is probably the worst time to be doing this," Emmaline sighed, "But if it's the will of the universe, nothing we can do-"

"You lot didn't get pregnant on OUR store's potion did you?" Fred asked nervously. "I saw Sirius grabbing a few when he visited!"

"And so what if we did..." Sirius eyed Fred suspiciously, aware of the scared look on his and Naia's face. Fred went red, "Er- well, then that means our products are defective! We don't want that-"

"No, Fred, I did not take your potion, and that's how this bun got in my oven." Emmaline rolled her eyes, hitting Sirius.

"So er... do we know who's is it?" George asked, glancing between Sirius and Lupin. Mrs. Weasley smacked his arm. "George Fabian-!"

"No, we don't care really. It's all of ours," Emmaline shrugged along with Sirius and Lupin. They looked incredibly content. The two bundled Emmaline into a hug, peppering her head in kisses. Naia felt Fred's arms wrap around her from behind, kissing her shoulder lovingly.

"I can't quite believe it," Naia muttered, "For years it's just been mum and me... never thought I'd ever get a complete family. And yet here I am with more parents and siblings than I ever thought I'd get." She laughed.

"I feel like you'll end up having lots more siblings..." Fred chuckled.

Maria and Matty had to return home for the holidays to spend it with their families, but Harry, Ron, and Ginny returned for Christmas, so the Burrow was fully packed once more. Harry was elated to hear the good news, and was even asked by her parents to be the baby's godfather.

Harry told Naia all about his suspicions about Snape and Draco. He's told her about the Half-Blood Prince and how Quidditch was going now with Ginny and Ron on the team. Harry even sniggered to her about a certain someone new in Ron's life.

"Lavender? Really?!" Naia questioned.

"They NEVER stop snogging. Not even you and Fred were that bad- wait, I take that back."

She was helping them peel some sprouts for Mrs. Weasley when Harry went on about Snape's Unbreakable vow. "-I remember Fred and George making me make one when I was five," Ron grumbled. "Angriest I've ever seen dad. Fred reckons his left buttock has never been the same since."

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