68 | Hellenic League of Magic

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The sun felt hot on her skin as she maneuvered her way between tourists and locals alike. Unlike the crowd in Athens, she could now tell that it wasn't just muggles that walked about in these parts.

Her grip on the paper tightened as she narrowly dodged another Hellenic Ministry worker. She could tell the difference now between staff and higher-ranking officials. They wore a badge on their right plate, somehow enchanted to only be seen by wizarding kind. The wizards donned suits, but way thinner than those worn in the Ministry back in Britain. No, these suits looked to be made of such fine fabric, and they flowed often down to the wizard' knees. They almost looked like tunic-vests, and Naia swore she'd never seen such fine silk before in her life.

These look way more breathable than ministry-wear. She thought, eyeing the outfit of a Greek witch wearing a sleek olive-green silk pantsuit. Her friend that walked next to her donned a silk suit that flowed nearly to her ankles.

She silently side-stepped past them, glancing at the IDs they had around their necks. Department of Ancient Mythical Creatures. Nope, not what she needed.

She sighed as she saw the sun begin to set. The amount of Ministry personnel dwindled from the entrance as everyone went home for the day. She supposed she should too, and meet with the others. Perhaps they had more luck at their search.

Clutching the paper she swiped from a Ministry paperboy, Naia made her way back to their hostel. It was a 20-minute walk back, as the Temple of Apollo and other sites nearby were practically in the mountains. She wondered why they decided to have their central government in a place like this instead of a busy city like Athens.

Just as she was five minutes away from their place, Naia felt her disillusionment charm begin to ware off. She speed-walked the rest of the way, catching the familiar flickering form of Matty and Fred by the entrance.

"Hey, find anything new?"

"Yep! Department of International Magical cooperation, found a man whose name is Seth Aetos." Matty beamed.

"Department of Grecian Historical Artifacts, Khloe Doukas," Fred nodded.

"Great, we've got a backup. Now we just need one from the Department of Ancient Archives." Naia nodded.

"Okay, so there's good news and bad news." Matty said. "Good news is, I found out there's only two people who work there, found a pamphlet from one of the administrations personnel. Solon-something, I can't remember the last name for the life of me. And Koios Filo."

"That's great, Matty!" She beamed as they made their way to their room.

"Bad news is that apparently these guys SLEEP with the archives. They have sleeping quarters and don't go home... they're like monks or something."

"Great," she groaned. "Our best bet is turning into people from the departments nearby."

"That means we got enough people now. If the Polyjuice is done by tomorrow, we can do it then." Fred nodded, kissing her forehead. His eyes shifted to the piece of paper in her hands. "What's this?"

"They found the car." She sighed, coming into the room to greet a surprisingly calm and non-bickering Maria and George. "I can't bloody read it because it's in Greek, but the picture is there."

Fred's brows furrowed at the two pictures of the car they had stolen. After their little high-speed-chase, they were cornered by a couple of Hellenic League officials, seeing as the event happened in front of muggles. They managed to escape with some luck and a few decoy detonators, but the league knew how they looked now. So for the past two days, each of them had to lay low, resorting to glamour or disillusion charms to go about.

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