52 | Letters Never Sent

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A/N: ⚠️ Smut Warning. Graphic sexual content. If you are uncomfortable with those scenes feel free to skip those parts.

"Well done, puppy!" Sirius exclaimed as she redirected his spell to hit Charlie once more. "I miss it when it was just us training," Charlie mumbled, getting up and rubbing his bum.

"Oh, c'mon, Weasley, she can't be as bad as the Dragons you work with!" Sirius smirked.

"Having your ass handed to you by a little witch without a wand burns worse than fire-breathing beasts."

The past few days, Naia spent training with Sirius and Charlie. George and Fred were far too busy during the day to join in, but they came around during the weekends. She mastered quite a few new things with her air movements. Besides working on the spell redirection, air barriers, and shields, Sirius suggested they begin practicing air bullets. He acquired a few marbles she used to shoot at targets at an incredibly fast pace. Both Charlie and he agreed that it was a more lethal attack, and even dared to try it out with blades later on.

She was aware that the techniques she practiced were getting rather lethal, but then again, what was her use as a weapon if she couldn't inflict some damage? She didn't mind knowing them, especially after Harry confided in her, Ron, and Hermione about the prophecy. 'For neither can live while the other survives.' She'd be damned if she let him face Voldemort by himself.

Besides her elemental training, she was instructed to join in on magical defense training with Matty, Maria, Fred, and George for the Order. Either Lupin, Tonks, Emmaline, or Moody would lead the sessions, teaching them how to do counter attacks to dark magic and hexes Deatheaters commonly used. This was the training that was more fun for her, especially since her friends got to join in and practice.

They would often break into pairs for duels, Maria and George purposely being paired off together by their friends. As much dislike they showed for one another, the rest never missed to see the slight warmth on their cheeks when the other wasn't looking. It was funny really, how they drove each other up a wall and bickered like an old married couple.

"Can you believe him!"

Naia laughed, "Yeah, I hate it when guys knock me off my feet-"

"With a stunning spell!? He didn't even wait for me to get back up-"

"Would a Deatheater wait for you to get back up? " Matty smirked as Maria glared at him.

"You're only mad because it was George." Naia teased, watching the twins giggle like school kids from across the grounds.

"How dare you! He is just so infuriating! An immature, sexy, man-child-"

"That you obviously have the hots for. Honestly, Mar, you only let him push your buttons because you want it to be pushed."

"Is it my fault he's ridiculously hot? I don't know whether I wanna punch him in the face with my fist or my lips."

"While you sort that out, I'm going to try knocking my boyfriend off his feet," Naia smiled, heading off to duel with Fred.

Duelling with him lately was quite different from before. It was almost like he was desperate to be as good as he could be. He took training seriously, and Fred Weasley was definitely not one to take many things too seriously. He chose carefully what to give a damn about. Naia found herself partnering up with Matty for most of the time because Fred would insist on going against the instructor (since they were an uneven number of trainees). He often found trainings fun and enjoyable, going through it like some game. But now there was a new edge to his resolve as he dodged and attacked. A determination that was not there previously.

Diving Into You | Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now