35 | The End of Year Four

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They entered Dumbledore's office, and as soon as the headmaster pushed open the oak door, Naia saw Sirius standing there, his face white and gaunt with worry as it had been when he had just escaped Azkaban.

In one swift movement, he crossed the room, eyes in a panic. "Are you both alright? What's happened?!" He asked in alarm as he went to help Fred put Naia in the nearby chair. "Remus, Emmaline, what's happened?!"

Dumbledore and Remus began to tell Sirius everything. Naia and Harry were only half-listening. Not once did Fred's arms leave her. He stroked her hair and kissed her head soothingly as Emmaline brought up the part of Cedric's death and then what Crouch had done to Naia.

"The fucker did not," Sirius said, an angry fire burning in his eyes as he eyed a weak-looking Naia in Fred's arms. Fred watched as Sirius kneeled down close to her and stroked her cheek lovingly. "You alright, puppy?"

She nodded, flashing her father a smile, "It wasn't that bad," lie. It was horrible. Sirius knew that. He shook his head and kissed her forehead. "My strong girl," he said, looking at her in concern. "I'm gonna rip his fucking head off," he said so calmly, it made the threat even more terrifying.

"Not before I get him first," Emmaline said, already moving to heal Harry's wound as a concerned mother would. She was stroking his hair in concern as she did so.

Sirius looked up at the boy that held his daughter in his arms. The look on his eyes showed that he cared deeply for Naia, and shared just the same concern as he had for her. And so, in a quiet whisper, he spoke to him, "Thanks for looking after her, Weasley," he said sincerely.

Fred nodded once, not breaking eye contact with the older man. "Always, sir."

Harry did a play-by-play of the events in the graveyard. Emmaline, Sirius, and Remus furrowed their brows at Wormtail's actions. Once Harry finished, Emmaline put her head in her hands, Remus coming behind her to soothe her shoulders. It was obvious that Harry had gone through a terrible feat tonight.

They then brought them to the hospital wing. Sirius shifted into his dog self and walked next to the two teens. As they entered, Naia saw Mrs. Weasley, Ron, Hermione, Bill, and George grouped around a harassed-looking Madame Pomfrey, demanding to know where Harry, Naia, and Fred had gone. All of them whipped their heads to the entrance, where Mrs. Weasley let out a muffled scream, going to run towards them.

"Harry! Naia! Oh, Freddie, what's-"

"Molly," Dumbledore said, and demanded that she give the kids their rest for now.

"Headmaster..." Madame Pomfrey said looking at the dog skeptically. "Oh he's mine," Emmaline said with a cough, "He's er- our dog. Very well trained, just wants to stay with Harry and Naia for a while," Dumbledore nodded at her words.

"What's happened to Naia?" Mrs. Weasley asked Fred worriedly, coming over to soothe her hair.

"I'll tell you in a bit, mum."

Mrs. Weasley continued to fuss over Harry as Emmaline made sure Naia was comfortable. She gave her a potion that would induce some sleep. Fred went to stand next to George, but Naia only grabbed his wrist, not quite wanting him to leave her side. "Alright, okay, I'm here, bun," he said gently, soothing her hair. After a few minutes, she fell asleep.

"I saw the Death Eaters! I can give you their names! Lucius Malfoy-"

Naia's eyes opened, waking up at the screaming. She heard disgruntled voices and looked up to see the Minister for Magic in the wing discussing with Dumbledore, Harry, Emmaline, Remus, and Snape. They seemed to be having quite a heated argument.

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