61 | New Resolve

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Naia's hands shook as she held the water basin. If she had her gift, she could have at least helped her mother out with the pain.

Despite her nerves, she plastered a pleasant smile on her face, joining Madame Pomfrey and Molly in the bedroom where her mother was currently in labor. Her pained cries filled the space as another contraction hit.

"You're doing wonderful, darling. Just a little bit more-"


Sirius winced as Emmaline crushed his and Lupin's fingers. Thanks to the werewolf strength, Remus had a rather higher pain tolerance. Sirius on the other hand, was reduced to mewling softly to himself as the witch crushed his bones.

Emmaline breathed heavily as she took a moment to rest. Naia kissed her sweaty forehead and whispered words of encouragement before her mum began pushing again.

"Crowing! Almost there, Emmaline I can see the head!" said Madame Pomfrey. Sirius made the grave mistake of standing where the mediwitch was, and he began looking faint.


Naia was quick to catch him before his head reached the ground.


"On it," Naia nodded, running out and chuckling to herself as she rummaged through the potions cupboard.

"More pain relief?" Ginny asked, helping her look for the potion quickly. Naia shook her head, "Awakening potion for dad. He's out like a light."

Ginny giggled and handed her the potion to wake Sirius up. Over an hour later, a powerful baby cry echoed throughout the Burrow.

Naia wasted no time barging into the room, the entire Burrow's residents following after her. The sight that greeted her brought a wide smile on her face.

Emmaline leaned on Remus who sat behind her, kissing her head lovingly as Sirius cradled the little newborn in his arms. Naia recognized the look in his eyes. It was the same one he had given her all those years ago in the shrieking shack. The first time he had seen her in twelve years.

Sirius looked up as she approached and pulled her to him, kissing her forehead. Her eyes drifted to the little baby in his arms and she couldn't stop the tears in her eyes. "Hi there," she croaked. Sirius carefully transferred the baby into Naia's arms. "He?"

"Yep, mum was right," Remus laughed.

"What's his name?" she gazed down at her baby brother with so much love. "Please tell me it isn't Ozzy."

Sirius barked a laugh as Emmaline smiled at the sight of her baby holding her baby. "Theon James Lupin-Black."

"Theon..." she smiled. "What does it mean?"

"Greek name meaning God..."

Naia looked up at Lupin who seemed a little nervous. She laughed softly, kissing baby Theon's head. "Guess godly magic's come back to me one way or another..."

The Weasley clan gathered in the room just by the door, smiling at the family of six. They were one member short, as Harry had become part of their family too.

Fred stood by the front, watching Naia with a wonderous expression. His chest filled with warmth at the sight of her cooing at the baby in her arms. A sense of longing flooded him.

Suddenly, he was thrown into glimpses of the future, where perhaps one day it would be their own little bundle of joy she would be cooing at.

His breath caught in his throat at the thought. He didn't know why he loved it so much. They were young, and they were in the middle of a war. But seeing her before him now... he wanted that. One day.

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