15 | A Confession

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The weeks passed by and soon it was the day of their match against Ravenclaw, and Naia couldn't be any more excited- well, perhaps Wood could beat her to it.

"-and can't wait to see the look on their slimy little faces!"

"Yes, Oliver, we got this in the bag-"

"Put them here, you two!" Oliver said gesturing to Naia and Harry's Firebolts, he placed them at the center of the table as they ate breakfast like a celebrated centerpiece. Naia almost laughed at the look on Wood's face. You'd think he'd just given birth to the two brooms.

Naia ate her papaya as people from the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables came over to look. Fred and George were happily gloating.

"Took her for a spin yesterday, Madame Hooch didn't even see me." Naia scoffed at George's words.

"Was that before or after you hit the goal posts?"

"Oh just humor me, Vance!"

Naia then felt a tap on her shoulder. Her and Harry both turned to see Cedric Diggory smiling down at them.

"Congratulations you both on getting these brooms." Cedric nodded politely. "A more than excellent replacement for your Nimbus, Harry. I'll be rooting for you guys."

"Thanks, Cedric." Harry said genuinely surprised at the boy's kindness. Naia knew Cedric had meant every word. The hufflepuff then turned to Naia.

"I'll uh, see you on the pitch, Vance. Don't go too fast that I miss you." Cedric said with a lighthearted smile.

"No promises." She said, biting into her apple.

Fred took an apprehensive glance as Diggory sat back into the Hufflepuff table. He had began to wonder why he'd constantly feel annoyed when guys started to chat up Naia. Why'd she have to attract the pretty ones? He rolled his eyes at himself mentally, he wasn't dense enough to not recognize the feeling in his chest whenever he looked at her. But it was unfamiliar to him, and he didn't quite know how to deal with it at the moment.

As the team went to change to their uniforms, Naia couldn't help but smile at the favorable weather. It was light and breezy- just perfect for a match like this one.

"You got a place for your wand, Harry?" Naia asked. Harry nodded as he showed her just where he had placed it under his robes.

"You know what we've got to do." Wood said as the team gathered around just as they were leaving the changing rooms. "If we lose this match, we're out of the running. Just- just fly like you did in practice yesterday and we'll be okay!"

"or run into a goalpost again..." Fred muttered.

"Oi! Knock on wood!" Naia shouted at his statement.

Both George and Fred walked out of the changing rooms, each smacking Oliver behind the head one after the other.

"Weasley what the fuck!"

"For goodluck, mate!"

"Yeah, gotta knock on wood!"

Naia and Harry were stifling their laughter as Oliver grumbled in annoyance. Naia went up to him to ruffle his hair.

"We'll get em, cap!"

Oliver and Davies, the Ravenclaw captain shook hands and the team mounted their brooms. In a few seconds they were all flying in the air. Naia and Harry zoomed incredibly fast, as Naia went to grab the quaffle.

Lee's voice boomed from the booth as he began his commentary. "They're off, and the big excitement this match is Vance and Potter's Firebolts they've got flying for Gryffindor! According to Which Broomstick, the Firebolt's going to be the broom of choice for national teams at this year's World Championship-"

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