41 | This Means War

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A/N: ⚠️ Smut Warning. Graphic sexual content. If you are uncomfortable with those scenes feel free to skip those parts.

Harry and Naia proceeded with detention, much to Angelina Johnson's dismay. The new Quidditch team captain had given them an ear for getting detention and missing out on Keeper tryouts, but what were they supposed to do, really?

She and Harry also found out about Ron's plans to try out, and the redhead begged Naia not to tell the twins. She promised, but obviously did not want the twins to take the piss at him during tryouts.

"Ronnie?! Keeper?!"

"Please just support him on this one. Wouldn't it be a Quidditch accomplishment to have five out of seven Weasleys in the team?"

"Bill didn't play quidditch."

"Oh I know, I was referring to Ginny. She's gonna make the team next year for sure. That girl can fly."

"Fair point," George sighed. "But-"

"No, don't ruin this for your brother. Cheer him on for once will you?"

"Fine," Fred huffed, cuddling up to Naia. " I suppose it would do some good for the family name."

Ron ended up getting in the team, much to Harry and Naia's delight. Umbridge had been rather displeased whenever Harry and Naia showed up to detention with scarless hands. She asked them about it, but the two shrugged it off with a good healing potion and turned the question back on her on whether she condoned torturous practices that inflicted bodily damage.

"It serves to discipline."

"Well, we get that enough when we cut ourselves for two hours now don't we?" Naia answered with feigned politeness. "Unless you're saying that our detention need last beyond this room with you, even in the safety of our own dorm rooms. Where that is most definitely not permitted."

"You and that tongue of yours, Ms. Vance," Umbridge tutted, "It almost seems as if you learned absolutely nothing from our sessions this week about disrespecting your superiors."

"I have done nothing but respond to you cordially, Professor. Unless you count asking mere questions as disrespect... well, then I ask how a Professor manages to teach without answering student questions. It's a natural part of learning, you see. But of course, this is your first teaching position after all. It's alright, you get used to the job."

Umbridge glared at her, and Harry bit his tongue in a mix of wanting to scold Naia and laugh at Umbridge's face at the same time. The younger of the two only went back to writing her lines.

A week passed and Naia managed to hold her tongue during Defense Against the Dark Arts to refrain from another Detention. Mostly, it had been Harry or Hermione pinching her to behave. She scoffed at the thought. One more comment on Moony though and she was not going to hold back.

Fred met up with Naia after class to walk her to her Ancient Runes lesson when they spotted a teary-eyed Dennis Creevey clutching his hand in pain before McGonagall's office.

"Hey, kid. What's wrong?" Fred asked in concern just as McGonagall opened her door to usher him in.

"She erm- she made me do lines." He said shakily. Naia's anger boiled as she held Dennis' bloody hand gently in hers.

"Mr. Creevey, who did this to you?! What on earth?" McGonagall said in shock.

"Umbridge has a rather masochistic view on discipline," Naia said, seething. She wanted to bash the toad's head in for doing this to twelve-year-olds.

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