70 | The Voyage

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They sailed for hours on end, set on the goal of getting to Aeaea the day after tomorrow. Ardeas, despite Maria and Naia's prying, continued his mystery by being a little more reserved with his life. This only roused the group's curiosity more on the ship's captain, and the two girls made it their goal to get the wizard to spill all his secrets.

A life living at sea, a ship filled with artifacts and treasures gathered from around the world. Not to mention, not once had they seen him cast magic using his wand since their escape from the ministry. He stirred and commanded the ship wandless, with a curious golden energy they have never seen before. Besides this, as soon as the ship began sailing, he donned what Fred and George could only assume was an old-fashioned captain's hat.

George was still wary of him, especially whenever he sent smiles Maria's way. Fred and Naia hoped this little situation would finally push him to grow the balls to tell her how he felt. He was starting to realize that winding her up and making her angry was a little less effective than Ardeas' charm and mystery. She laughed at his jokes and listened keenly at every story he told with a glint in her eyes. It drove George absolutely crazy.

"We'll keep going through the night and dock to collect a few supplies for food when we reach Messina." Ardeas grinned, "They also have great salami and this shaved ice dessert called mezza con panna a café, you have to try it."

"Sounds good!" Maria beamed.

"Sounds good," George mocked under his breath, glaring at Ardeas from behind Fred. His twin chuckled, "Ease up, Georgie. That's no way to woo the girl now is it?"

"Shut up."

Naia soon found out why all the furniture in the main hall was turned to face the empty wall. As soon as the ship sunk beneath the depths- much to everyone's surprise, the entire wall apparently opened up as a viewing room. Ardeas explained how he had enchanted it to act as a normal window into the waters. And if he preferred some privacy, it could be turned into a one-way window, allowing those inside to gaze at the depths without being seen.

She had wondered how the Durmstrang ship worked once underwater, so it was a great experience getting to watch the sea creatures they passed along the way. Naia stayed by the main hall with Fred for hours, gawking at the swordfish, wales, giant squid, and hippocampi that passed them.

Despite his brother's dislike for the traveller, Fred had gotten into good conversation with the man. He inquired about ingredients they could possibly acquire for the joke shop in the future. Ardeas had been amused by most of the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes products they brought with them, and even promised to pay a visit to the shop one day should he ever find himself in Britain.

"Why did you venture to Aeaea before if you'd known it to be dangerous? For the thrill?" Fred asked curiously. The question caused everyone to turn their heads in interest.

"Not exactly," the traveller laughed, playing with his necklace. He stared ahead of him with a look that implied a recollection of a fond memory. "I was born there."

Their mouths dropped and eyes widened in shock. "What do you mean you were born there?" Maria blinked.

"I mean, I am from there. I was born to my mother and father who lived on the island."

"You mean to say- that you're FROM Aeaea?! The island of Circe. You KNOW Circe? How is that even possible? There are- I- what?" Matty stammered in disbelief.

Naia stared at him with a dumbfounded expression, "You're shitting me, right?"

"No, dear goddess, I am not shitting you."


"It wasn't lying. You never asked." He raised his hands in defense at George's sudden outburst. "I told you I've been on the island and that's technically not a lie."

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