53 | Love Like This

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A/N: ⚠️ Smut Warning. Graphic sexual content. If you are uncomfortable with those scenes feel free to skip those parts.

For the following weeks, Naia found herself even busier than she ever was. With rigorous training sessions on the daily, she progressed well in her skill. Moody was deeply impressed with her mastery of various air and water techniques. She mastered her air blasts and suction moves, effectively being able to summon nearby objects to herself which proved useful for disarming wandlessly. She spent a whole week mastering the breath of wind, which required good breath control. Moody found this particularly useful, especially if she ever found herself stunned or compromised with a binding spell. In fact, she managed to use it after Charlie threw her a full-body bind curse.

As for water, she's been focusing mainly on mastering a water cloak. She would summon a large amount of water from the river, wrap it completely around herself and use it as a sort of armor with tentacle-like arms. It took great effort to get right, but she managed to use the arms to grab, swat, blast, and freeze opponents. After mastering this trick, Maria, and Matty were not too pleased at her constant attempts to trip them.

She also worked hard on mastering her shield and protective charms during their weekend DADA practice. Moody and Charlie thought that it was about time they merged the training techniques, having her use both kinds of magic simultaneously during duel and combat.

Along with all this, she still had a ridiculous amount of school work to do. Piles and piles of readings, essays, and practicals. It occupied her mind in the late afternoons to evenings. By the time midterms rolled around, Naia had been reduced to a stressful wreck. Everyone could see that all the work was starting to burn her out. She began skipping dinners to work on school, waking up early to train, and had little to no time to herself.

Matty and Maria noticed how short-tempered she had gotten. She was constantly working, and tired herself out to the point where she wouldn't get enough sleep at times.

"Sweetheart, why don't you head to bed early tonight, hmm? Training tomorrow," Emmaline said to her around twelve in the morning.

"Can't. Have this Transfiguration essay." Naia said, her nose buried in her parchment.

"Alright, well why don't you start training after lunch then so you could sleep in?"

"Can't. That means I'll get less time to work on my Herbology essay." She snapped irritably. Emmaline sighed and voiced her concern to Sirius. He too had noticed that his daughter was spreading herself too thin and working herself to the bone.

"Pup, you need a break." Sirius said sternly, grabbing the textbook. Naia glared at him and moved to grab it back, "I'll get a break after midterms for Christmas."

"No, that's still a few weeks away. You need to sleep now."

"I'll sleep when I'm dead."

Sirius huffed, "Your brain won't function properly if you're tired."

"I'll take a pepper up potion." Naia nodded, going to the cabinets to search for more of the potion that helped her stay up later to finish her work. "There's no more, you took the last one two days ago."

"Damn. I'll need to brew more of it tomorrow." she sighed.

"No. You will SLEEP." After bickering back and forth, her father won the argument with a threat to spike her drinks with a Draught of Living Death.

The next morning, she awoke early for training. Tired and worn out, but ready nonetheless dressed in her yoga pants and exercise gear. She was surprised however, when she saw Charlie, Mrs. Weasley, and her parents all sitting on the counter still in their pyjamas.

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