47 | A Rescue Mission

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Naia had never been prouder of the twins after their departure. They had become true Hogwarts legends, with everyone in school talking about their epic leave for weeks. People admired them so much, that their business had been booming even without them!

Naia and Lee were entrusted with selling the products- it was a good marketing opportunity, really. They had sold more Skiving Snackboxes, Stink pellets, Wildfire Whizbangs, and portrable swamps than ever before. She and Lee had been passed the torch, and continued causing mayhem within the school by releasing Nifflers in Umbridge's office, and releasing pockets of swamps in certain areas.

The entire fifth-floor corridor was a swamp, which Filch and Umbridge tried desperately to remove. The other professors seemed to not mind at all, and Naia knew Flitwick and McGonagall could've easily have been rid of it if they really wanted to.

She was almost caught releasing a bunch of fireworks with Seamus and Neville when Warrington and Pansy Parkinson cornered them. The two ended up in the hospital wing with jinxes, kudos to Neville and Seamus who had improved since the DA. The Skiving Snackboxes caused a giant epidemic of 'Umbridgeitis', with students using it so frequently to get out of classes. Peeves the Poltergeist had taken the twins' order to heart, and students knew better than to pass the hallways where he was causing mayhem.

Naia received news that Montague had reappeared, caught stuck in a toilet all disoriented. She felt partly guilty, and Adrian seemed pretty worried about him, but there was no way she'd tell him what the twins had done. They won the game against Ravenclaw, with Ron managing to miraculously perform the best he had all year. Celebrations ensued that night, but it didn't last very long. Soon, OWLs were upon them and all the fifth years spent most of their time studying endlessly.

"Now your OWLs are spread over two weeks, with theory papers in the morning and most practical exams in the afternoon..." McGonagall instructed. "Your Astronomy practicals will be at night of course, and anti-cheating charms have been applied to all papers. Anyone caught cheating will be subject to new... punishments by the new Headmistress..."

Hermione was almost like a completely different person to Naia, stressing endlessly and biting back remarks. Her, Harry, and Ron learned to avoid making loud noises whenever she was around after she yelled at Ron for stirring his tea too loudly.

"Charms is tomorrow, are you not reviewing your notes?!" the ginger asked her in confusion.

"Reviewing last minute just fries my brain... besides, after spending so much time with your brothers... I've got enough charms to last a lifetime." She laughed.

"What do you mean?"

"Those two?! They wouldn't survive without wands. They use charms for so many damn things! Fred would cut my Porkchop with magic for Godric's sake."

The exams began, and Naia waited patiently in the room by the great hall for her turn at the charms practicals. She was one of the last along with Ron given their last names. Soon, McGonagall entered and called upon them.

"Vance, Professor Tofty will be testing you." the witch said, and Naia headed off to a bald, old-looking man that waved at her with a friendly smile.

"Ah, Vance, I remember when your mother took her OWLs," he laughed, "she threw the ball way over the ceiling and completely blew me away!"

"Well, I certainly hope I can live up to the name," she said nervously. The exam began and Naia thought it had gone rather well. She was able to grow the plants successfully and change Tofty's tie color five times. She took her Herbology, Ancient Runes, and Potions examination, the latter being the most challenging of the three. She could only pray that her grade made at least an E.

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