77 | The way home

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Naia awoke to the soft morning sun streaming through sheer curtains. There was a serene silence that echoed around their chambers, accompanied by the soft chirping of birds in the early morning.

She felt a heavy warmth around her torso and Naia smiled softly to herself at the hold of her husband, still sound asleep. He had an arm wrapped securely around her, and she sought out his free hand to hold in her grasp.

Fred moaned and slowly shifted awake. Naia turned to bury her face into his chest, and his arms tightened around her comfortably.

He gently stroked her hair and kissed her head. "Good morning, love."

"Morning," she mumbled. Fred let out a content sigh as he held her close, and he smiled softly to himself at how he now got to wake up like this every day for the rest of his life.

They stayed there in silence for a few minutes, not wanting to leave the comfort of their embrace. For they knew that today would be a full day of planning and preparing for their most dangerous mission yet.

They thought not about what would possibly happen once they reach Britain. What they would have to fight, or who they could lose. For now it was just the two of them as man and wife, enjoying each other's company.

Eventually, Fred had awoken and Naia felt his hardness grow from between her thighs. He made sweet love to her under the morning sun, a large contrast to the night they shared. He savoured every breath that escaped her, setting her insides aflame with every gentle touch and caress he lay on her skin. He played her like a lyre, his movements gentle and rhythmic. And they became one again in a harmonious symphony that could only be found within each other. They both peaked with a soft cry of passion, only to hold each other close once more.

Eventually, as the morning grew late, Fred gathered his wife into his arms to bathe and the newlywed couple made their way to the great hall for breakfast. It was a quiet and peaceful day. A serene contrast to what awaited them when they left the next morning.

After breakfast, they gathered in Circe's receiving room to meet with the rest of their friends. Today they would be planning and preparing for their journey. It was a meeting of strategy more than anything, discussing battle plans and travel measurements.

"We will be arriving in Britain in four days time after we set sail." Ardeas explained. They were all gathered around Circe's fountain that now formed itself into a table. An enchanted map covered its entirety, reminding Naia of old Roman war movies. "We sail south of the Mediterranean sea and into the strait of Gibraltar. From there, we go northeast to sail up and around Portugal and into the Bay of Biscay, near France. From there we enter the English channel and into the North Sea."

"Why must we go under and into the North sea, still?" Matty questioned, examining the map. "Surely we could dock somewhere south, say, the Bristol channel. That's farther from London, and we pose less risk of being stopped or seen."

"They will be watching the Bristol channel," George reasoned. "That's where most imports come in by sea, at least according to Percy for the ministry, and all our stock for the shop."

"So where do we plan to dock? Surely you don't plan to dock at Dover..."

"No, we go past the Dover straight, up to the North sea and past Sunderland."

"That's far! The Ministry is in London." Maria reasoned.

Naia shook her head, "We don't want to land near the Ministry. It's far too risky. The city is far too busy, and we don't want eyes on us. Besides, the Merfolk have offered their cooperation in escorting us into Britain safely."

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