29 | Love makes us fools

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A/N: Fave gif ^ song for the chapter attached 💕

They were all gathered in the great hall- a general house assembly summoned by Professor McGonagall. Naia sat next to Hermione and Ginny along with the other girls of her house.

"Silence! The House of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the Wizard World for nearly 10 centuries. I will not have you, in the course of a single evening, besmirching that name by bahaving like a babbling bumbling band of baboons."

Naia saw Fred and George start mumbling the words quickly and stifled a giggle.

"Inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers, longing to burst forth and take flight. Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance."

Naia and Ginny scoffed. "Rawr,"

"Easy, tiger!" Ginny whispered.

"I'm a lion, you dumb swan!"

"Mr. Weasley." McGonagall called.

"Yes?" Ron said apprehensively.

"Will you join me please?" The boys laughed and nudged him forward as he got up to stand with the Professor.

"Now, place your right hand on my waist."

"Where?" Ron asked in shock.

"My waist," McGonagall said.

Fred whistled hootily, earning a huge laugh from Naia. He was so amused by the embarassment of his brother, but a part of him was just happy to have made her laugh for the first time in days. She had been keeping her distance from him for the past week after the game. But he wasted no expense in letting her know how sorry he was by saying it to her with every goodmorning and goodnight. He knew she needed her space, and as much as it pained him to stay away from her, it was a pill he just had to swallow. He always tried to get her attention though by saying jokes louder than he should, and he would do a victory dance whenever a small smile crept on her face. Sometimes during their meals, he'd pass her pastries with cheesy notes and puns on them just to make her laugh.

"Everybody come together! Boys, on your feet!"

Naia stood up and watched in amusement as the boys reluctantly got up, some staying in their seats, too embarassed to even try. Neville was the only one brave enough to come before the girls, and most of them looked at him in apprehension.

She beamed at him, and he nevously held his hand out to her. She took it and he put a hand on her waist.

"You know how to dance, Neville?"

"My nan taught me when I was young," he nodded nervously.

"We were taught in my old school. Dances like this happened quite often."

"Really?" he asked. Naia nodded enthusiastically.

Harry sniggered at Naia and she stuck her tongue out at him. Soon, everyone found partners and began practicing on their own. As the song reached the bridge, Neville spun her around and she landed in someone else's arms.

She looked up to see Fred looking down at her with a nervous smile. She saw that majority had switched partners, and Neville had caught Ginny, resuming to dance with her.

"May I have this dance?" Fred asked softly, leaning down as he held her waist, his hand in her own.

"Would it make a difference if I said no?" Naia asked jokingly. Fred shook his head, smiling, moving his feet to the rhythm.

"I'm glad to know you aren't stepping on any of my toes,"

"And I'm the one stuck with a partner who has two left feet," Naia joked. Fred spun her around and she squealed as he pulled her back instantly. His eyes never left her own as they swayed together. He occasionally made mistakes, to which Naia corrected him, laughing whenever he stumbled.

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