19 | Tropical Paradise

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A/N: I had so much fun writing this chapter.  <3 Song for it attached! 👆


The summer of 1994 was Harry Potter's most memorable one yet.

He was used to spending his summers locked up at the Dursley's. Lonely and he'll admit, quite miserable. The only excitement he had was reading and receiving letters from his friends. When Sirius escaped, he had been clad in disappointment at the fact that he had to live in that house with those awful people. He felt as though the universe had dangled that dream right in front of him, only to take it away.

But as he stared at his godsister, Naia at that very moment, he couldn't have been more wrong.

"Harry, are you listening!?"

"Yes, yes I am!"

Naia laughed at her godbrother as he fumbled with his paddle. They had borrowed Inoa's kayak for the afternoon, much to Harry's delight. Today was a very special day you see, it was his birthday, and by far the happiest one he's had yet. They had been on the island for two weeks now and he was already sporting a good tan- along with a couple of burns her mother had to tend to.

"When I paddle left you go right!" She said as they traveled through the water. She enjoyed being out in the sun again and was so happy to be home. While she loved Hogwarts, nothing could beat her tropical cottage by the sea.

Emmaline fixed up the guest bedroom to be his for the five weeks they had him for. As soon as they arrived home, she asked them both to tell her everything that happened in their third year, especially that faithful night with Sirius Black.

Of course, Emmaline had already known it all. Black after all, had been constantly lettering her, and he told her everything in a detailed five-page letter. She was so glad that Naia now knew the truth about herself and her father.

As soon as they arrived from the station, Naia made sure to make Harry feel right at home, giving him the grand tour of their area. Emmaline and her will never forget the look on his face as he swam in the ocean for the first time, wincing at the salty water. He was insanely happy, and knowing just what the boy had gone through living with his Aunt and Uncle, they would gladly invite him to stay as much as they can.

Unfortunately, Dumbledore insisted that Harry stay with the Dursleys for a minimum amount of time due to certain protections, and though it annoyed Emmaline to no end, she had no choice but to send Harry home after five weeks.

Sirius wrote to all of them once he found out Harry was with Emmaline for the summer. He told Naia in his letter that it was killing him to be away from them knowing his family was all together, but there was absolutely no way for him to get to them without a portkey or a place to floo- and the risk of getting caught if he used any of them was too high.

"Naia, what's that down there?! Is that a shark?!" Harry said in a slight panic as he glanced down to see a huge shark tailing them as they kayaked in deeper waters.

"Yeah! We got over 40 species of sharks here," She said looking at Harry's face in amusement. She stopped paddling to observe. To Harry's horror, Naia jumped out. "Are you mad!?" He exclaimed.

She surfaced from the water with a smile. "Oh, Harry, it's only Ollie. He's a good boy!" She said referring to the hammerhead shark that swam below. Off to the distance, she saw a couple more coming their way.


"C'mon birthday boy!" And with a tug, Naia pulled him into the water. He was a little terrified and waded nervously. "These guys won't hurt you, I promise,"

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