63 | From Dawn to Dusk

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The absence of Mad-Eye Moody was felt by all the Order members. Naia half-expected him to show up for their training sessions. To honor his memory, she threw all of her effort into dueling practice.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were often caught whispering and planning for the mission they set out to do. But as the rest of the Burrow had come to find out, they were not the only ones.

Naia confided in George, Matty, Maria, and Fred about what the Merchieftainess had told her. Sirius, Emmaline, and Lupin were also made aware, but had little say in the matter as Naia's mind was already made up on what to do.

She had to get the Goddess back in order to help Harry win this war. She was integral for the resistance against the darkness. And there was no fighting what she needed to accomplish. She had to find the same place where Parthenope had received the gift of Thalassa.

"Does that place really still exist? How could we be so sure the ancient magic would be there still after thousands of years?" Matty asked.

"How did my magic manifest after thousands of years, especially after being dormant for over a hundred lifetimes?" Naia replied, "It's godly magic, Matty. It's rare, but the traces of it last and linger in history."

Maria paced before Naia's bed, "So the Merchieftainess just instructed you to go to the place- wherever the hell it is- ask for your magic back and then boom, you'll have your superpowers again?"

"In essence, yes." Naia glared at Maria, not appreciating the oversimplification. "Although, she said that one way or another, the goddess was supposed to return home anyways... that just sounds to me that in order to unlock her fully- and I mean fully have control like I didn't have before, I was always meant to go back..."

"When we had our magical cores bonded..." Fred said thoughtfully, "The magic became twice as strong, especially together. If you're really destined to help NOT make the world go to absolute shit, perhaps doing this and reconnecting to the ancient magic would only make the goddess come back stronger. Strong enough to give us a chance at winning this war."

"Precisely." She nodded. "And that's why I have to go. I have to help end this one way or another. I do not want Theon growing up in a world of darkness. Not a chance."

"Where would we even begin looking for such a place?" George sighed, plopping himself down on the bed.

Naia quirked a brow, "We?"

George scoffed, "Surely you don't plan on seeking out this place and getting your magic back all by yourself?"

"Well, I couldn't just ask you to drop everything to come with me. I don't mind going alone."

"Are you forgetting something, Miss 'I have to restore balance to the world'? You're supposed to be dead. Deceased."

She glared at George, "Yes, I am aware of that predicament."

"And how would you even start?" Maria taunted, "Do you have a plan? How are you going to travel alone with no identification whatsoever? What happens if people recognize you? Have you ever even been out of Britain before and visited other international countries in Europe? How are you-"

"I get it, thanks." Naia scowled. "Look, none of us really know what we're doing here, except that we have a goal, and we need to get to it somehow."

"Enter M&M," Matty smirked, pointing at Maria and himself.

"Don't you two have Auror duties?" Fred asked, arms wrapped around a pouting Naia.

"In case you've forgotten, the biggest reason we even moved to this freezing country was to help find and protect you." Matty said. "What part of 'we'll follow you wherever you are' do you not understand? We've been helping you deal with this gift since we were ten. We aren't stopping now."

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