43 | An Ancient Secret

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A/N: ⚠️ Smut Warning. Graphic sexual content. If you are uncomfortable with those scenes feel free to skip those parts.

Quidditch practices have not been as fun for Naia as they had been before. After all, she was closest to Fred, George, and Harry out of everyone else in the team. Angelina never missed a chance to grumble about how reckless they were, but the quidditch team captain had half a mind to keep her mouth shut about it in front of her.

Hagrid returned after his Order mission. She listened as he went on about the giants, but was more concerned about his injuries, insisting on healing him back up before Umbridge and the rest of the students caught sight of the state of him.

Fred and George threw most of their free time developing their joke shop and training with Naia and the DA. Now with Quidditch off the table, it was the only thing they had to look forward to.

As for her gift, she felt her own magical energy within her begin to grow the more she used it. Fred was right about the necklace amplifying the magic within her, and since it was an old family heirloom, perhaps the inscriptions were a key to finding out more about her ancestral past.

Hermione and Naia dived into Ancient Runes- partly for their OWLs of course, but they had covered ancient greek characters in one of their lessons last year.

"At least it's ancient greek... the Roman alphabet was derived from it and follows the same structure," Hermione said with her nose in a book, "I think this one reads as Epsilon..." she said, looking through the letter chart at the character that read as 'ε'.

"This here is theta," Naia whispered, her thumb brushing over the small inscription of the θ character. "And this here, is Eta..."

"Hand me the parchment?" Hermione asked. They had drawn out the characters: Παρθενόπη.

"Pi, alpha, rho, theta, epsilon, nu, omicron, pi, again, and then finally, eta..."

"Parthenope." Naia read out loud. "That's a name, isn't it?"

"I know that name, I've seen it somewhere...in one of the books in the restricted section. We'll need to get access again. Let's ask Binns tomorrow." Hermione nodded.

They made their way back to the dorms before curfew, where Fred and George handed her back her training notebook.

"Here, added a few things we'll take on next week-"

"We'll be doing an airball and an air wheel, figured it could make you fly almost-"

"But you'll be on it, like riding the wind, quite literally!"

"Let me see what you've written," Hermione said, grabbing the empty notebook. "Glowy jellies."

Naia watched as the contents showed itself as they always did, and then her eyes widened in realization. Of course, how could I be so clueless?

"I'm off to bed! Mione, you write whatever you want for practice," she nodded, pecking Fred on the cheek before rushing to her room. The twins just looked at each other in confusion.

Naia rummaged through her trunk before finding exactly what she had been looking for: her mother's journal. Of course it was empty, perhaps it was also enchanted. Her father had muttered revealing spells, but it wouldn't give. If the magic used was ancient... then of course a couple of revelation spells wouldn't work.

She felth through the sturdy material. It was old and weathered, but unmistakably held a magical energy. One not quite like Wizards and Witches have. It was a different kind of magic. Now she just needed to find the right password.

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