6 | Hippogriffs and Boggarts

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Care for Magical Creatures went smoothly.

Okay, that was not true.

Draco, in a fit of stupidity, had gotten himself scratched by Hagrid's Hippogriff, Buckbeak. He was a sweet thing, really. After Harry had gotten off a ride, Naia was about to take her turn, and while she pet it, Malfoy decided to step in to have a go without bowing first.

Naia could've pushed him out of the way quickly with air, but she honestly thought the git deserved it, and he wasn't really worth the exposure.

"I'm dying! It's killed meh-"

"Yer not dyin!" Hagrid said.

As much as Naia hated the lad, she bent down to grab a hold of his shoulder to help him up. The deep gash on his arm was bleeding quite a bit.

"Oh, stop. C'mon, Hagrid'll take you to Madame Pomfrey-"

"It's killed meh, the bloody chicken..."

"I've got him, Naia," Hagrid picked Draco up like he was nothing. The rest of the class walked back up to the castle.

Pansy Parkinson, another Slytherin Hermione liked to secretly call 'pug face' was making some rude side comments. Naia just glared at her and rudely told her to 'shut it'

The four were worried about Hagrid, and Naia couldn't quite get it off her mind the entire day. That was, until Quiddich tryouts.

She made her way to the common room after classes getting ready. She met the twins and Lee by the fireplace where they said they'd meet her during lunch. As soon as Fred spotted Naia walking down the stairs, he quickly started to fix his hair in a panic.

"Jeezus, Freddie no need to have a fit" George scoffed.

"Oh shove off-"

"There she is, how was your first day, Vance?" asked Lee.

"It's not over yet, Jordan, but I'm quite excited to be back on the field after so long."Fred beamed seeing Naia in her quidditch training outfit. She wasn't wearing the Gryffindor sweater, but he knew she'd probably look even better in it. "C'mon."

The four walked over to the pitch where Naia already saw the rest of the team flying around. She glanced over at Wood who was talking to a few other Gryffindors that were trying out.

"Good, you're all here. Now, we'll be trying out for chaser as you all know. I want to be impressed. We'll first test your shots, speed, and then we'll move on with dodging bludgers to see how you work under pressure. Now get to work!"

They all flew into the air and the existing team tried stealing the Quaffle from the students trying out.

Naia was zooming past everyone, she laughed heartily at the feeling of being back in the air again. One of her elements.

She went to take a shot at Oliver's posts and in the last minute swerved to hit the other ring- goal.

She was flying neck and neck with Harry now, trying to steal the Quaffle back from him. He was known to be the fastest flyer in the team, and yet there they were- beside each other as she tried to maneuver around him.

"You're doing great, Naia!" Harry beamed. He couldn't lie, he was deeply impressed by her skill, and quite grateful she had been placed in their house and not another. That'll give their team a hard time.

"Thanks, Harry!"

As tryouts went on, Fred and George were called upon to start hitting bludgers at them. Much to their dismay. Part of George wanted to see just how far Naia could go, but another part of him knew if he did hit her, his brother would probably freak.

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