73 | Mad for you

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A/N Been a while and I apologize for the wait! Updates will come more often now that winter break has started.

You would think that the past few weeks spent in a mythical island paradise would be filled with relaxation and a much-needed break after their perilous journey.

As Naia had come to find out, it wasn't.

A feast was held in their honor in the great dining hall where Circe and Ardeas had announced their stay for the next few months. Many of the locals were excited, while a few- mainly the guard class remained slightly wary of their presence. It didn't take long to dispel any thoughts of them being a threat after George and Matty had fallen flat on their faces from a tripping jinx sent by Maria.

After that, they figured the young wizards could use a little bit more of training.

Delia, the hand of the queen had been reluctant to execute Ardeas' orders of teaching their guests the basics of Circanian magic. It went against everything they stood for. Not many citizens of the island understood the dangers of the outside world, for they never bothered to keep up with such matters. So it came as a shock to most when their Prince ordered that their guests be trained in the ancient art.

Their lessons would begin at dawn and end just before breakfast. It was a challenge for most to grasp the concept of conjuring spells wandlessly, much more with the golden fire Circe had invoked upon them prior to their lessons. The fire was a symbol of her 'blessing', and the first step one needed to take to begin learning the Circanean technique.

"You are to sit tall and remain still." Delia commanded with authority. She paced in front of the wizards that sat on the ground, cross-legged. "Your objective is to keep the Circanean fire burning in your hands for as long as possible. You must command it, will it, and control it."

Naia concentrated hard on feeding the golden flame with her magical energy. Ever since Ardeas mentioned that controlling the magic wandlessly involved motion and meditation, she assumed that Circanian magic worked similar to how she handled her elements.

Her eyes screwed shut in concentration as she tried to kept the flame alive. There were groans and grunts of frustration from her friends around her.

"May I have another one?" Fred asked sheepishly after a few minutes of unsuccessfully commanding the flame. Naia smirked slightly at Delia's sigh.

Aside from their magical training, they had the privilege of touring around the island and learning more about its culture. She watched in amusement as George and Maria bickered over who got to have a go on the Pegasus first. Matty spent most of his time in the grand library where he read about unrecorded history. Naia enjoyed spending time with the healers of the island, learning more about Circanian magical remedies and herbs.

Fred on the other hand, was not so lucky to have as much liberties as his brother.

He was approached by Ardeas their first night after the feast for a rather peculiar ask.

"You may need a few days to recover." The Prince glanced down at Fred's healing arm, "But once you are well and able, I would like to personally train you in combative Circanian techniques."

The redhead raised a brow, "Private sessions, you and me? You forget, Ardeas, I'm a taken man."

Ardeas threw his head back in laughter, "Indeed you are. But that is precisely the reason why we need to do this." His expression turned somber. "You are not just any wizard, Weasley. You are magically, soulfully, and eternally bound to Naia Vance. Thus increasing the substantial importance you have to one another."

Diving Into You | Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now