76 | Bound

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A/N: Long af chapter ahead! The wait has been longer than usual. Also included visual references in the chapter's end.

⚠️ Smut Warning. Graphic sexual content. If you are uncomfortable with those scenes feel free to skip the part.

If you asked Naia Vance how she imagined this day would go, it was definitely not this.

The witch released a shaky breath as Aeaean maidens fluttered about the room, waving their hands to perform certain spells. The sun was still high in the sky, indicating that it was midday. Her eyes fluttered closed as she listened to the thrush of the ocean below her tower.

"Which jewels do you wish to wear, my lady?" asked one of the maidens. She had four golden boxes before her with the most elaborate pieces of Aeaean jewelry. Naia was spoiled for choice.

"Ooh, go with the third, it matches your eyes." Maria piqued, looking over Naia's shoulder. She was already dressed for the occasion, her locally borrowed earrings dangled each time she turned her head.

"I agree," one of the maidens nodded. "The diadem set is a custom... it is very fitting, my lady."

Naia huffed, "Please, Helena, I've told you a million times to just call me Naia."

"Oh, she knows, she just likes your reaction whenever she calls you that." Ida, another one of the witches smirked, making Helena laugh.

Naia playfully rolled her eyes and smiled at their banter. It was doing wonders for her nerves.

"You written them all down?"

"No, I've memorized them. I think I got it." Naia turned to Maria who had an odd look on her face. "Quit looking at me like that, Mar."

"I can't! I just- I can't believe this is happening, you know?" her friend's eyes shimmered with unshed tears. "After everything..."

"I know," Naia smiled and took her friend's hand. Her smile suddenly dropped.

"What is it?"

"It's just, well... I want to do this now. But-" she sighed, "I really wish they were here to see it."

Her friend squeezed her hand. "I know what you mean."

After they sailed back to Aeaea, a big celebration was held all throughout the island for Thalassa's return. Circe had embraced her with open arms and demanded a celebratory feast that lasted all throughout the day.

It was the biggest celebration Naia had been a part of, and it was slightly overwhelming. After all, she had only grown up with her mother for most of her life... so having a huge feast in her honor was not something she could ever get used to.

The ritual caused a shift in her overall magical signature. She was no longer just witch- but part goddess with Thalassa's full presence. She had a glow much similar to Circe's, though not as magnificent. And everyone with magical blood could sense the difference.

She had met a few people on the island already throughout her stay. During the celebration, she found herself surrounded by witches and wizards who introduced themselves one after another. As busy as the day was, she had a rather good time meeting more people her age.

Fred and George in typical Weasley twin fashion, let off some of their fireworks and played with most of the kids using their products. Everyone had a good laugh, and Naia couldn't be more grateful that the entire process went well.

If it didn't, she imagined they'd be gathered for an entirely different reason.

For formality and much to her curiosity, they received a rather interesting guest during the dinner that same day. Naia perked up in her seat as she felt a strange call to the waters and got up abruptly to head out. Circe followed closely after.

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