66 | The Muggle Way

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Fred and Naia awoke in each other's arms the next morning. Though they had half a mind to stay in bed and enjoy each other's embrace, both knew they needed to get a move on to start the day.

"Any word back from George?" Naia questioned, slipping into a pair of pants.

"None yet," Fred sighed, putting on his shirt and jacket. He had been checking the galleon every hour since waking up. "Shall we get some breakfast first, love?"

They worked together on the glamour charms to guise her appearance. Though they could not replicate Emmaline's detailed work last night, they did manage to change her hair color, eyes, and nose to be at least somewhat unrecognizable. Completely for those who had not known Naia in the first place.

Hand-in-hand, they proceeded to the café on the ground floor for breakfast, casting wary looks here and there for any wizard company. Breakfast was filled with discussion from the night before in hushed whispers.

Once the couple made it back to their room, a silvery light made its way through the window. The recognizable form of a magpie flew down towards the bedside table. Lifting its beak, it began to speak in George's voice.

"Family is safe, but being watched. Escaped with Pratt and Shields. Do not reply. Meet us in Brighton, Queen's Park."

The two looked at each other as the patronus faded away. "Have you ever been to Brighton?"


"Any wizard pubs nearby?"

"Yep. But we don't know the exact floo location."

"Damn..." Naia shook her head. "That just leaves us with one option."

"The muggle way? I don't have any muggle money on me right now, darling-" Fred reasoned just as she dug her arm inside her purse. His eyes widened as she pulled out her firebolt.

"You're Brilliant!"

And so they took their leave, bidding their goodbyes to the receptionist from the night before and proceeding to a secluded alleyway where they could disillusion themselves and hop on their brooms. The trip to Brighton took them around half an hour in the skies. Once they arrived, they landed in a safe location to proceed to Queen's Park.

"You know, we ought to explore more of England. This place looks great!" Naia beamed, watching the muggles pass by them and go into various shops. "Oh, that pizza looks good-"

"Maybe we can have it for lunch, darling, c'mon," Fred chuckled, hand in hers as they walked. The park was an open field of green grass, trees sparingly decorating the area. A few muggles greeted them a good morning, and the couple soon found themselves leaning against a large tree to scout for their friends.

They waited for a few minutes, when out of absolutely nowhere, three forms materialized behind some bushes on their left. Maria and Matty were quick to pull Naia in a hug, George doing the same to Fred. "You guys got the message, thank Godric."

They sat together by the shrubs, looking like a couple of friends out having a picnic. Naia and Maria cast silencing charms just for precaution.

"Where'd you guys go? What happened when we left?" Fred asked.

"Well, the Deatheaters stayed and practically raided the burrow looking for Harry. Thankfully, only the Order members even knew he was there tonight, and he managed to apparate away with Ron and Hermione."

"Where'd they go off to?" Naia asked worriedly.

"No idea..."

"Dad, mum, and the rest?" Fred questioned.

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