22 | The Triwizard Tournament

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The next morning, Naia opened her eyes to see Ginny and George Weasley leaning over her with big smirks on their faces.

"Morning Sunshine," Ginny said amused. Naia stretched her arms and felt a weight on her stomach. Glancing down, she saw Fred's arm wrapped around her torso, still fast asleep.

"Did you have a good sleep?" George mused, and Naia quickly jumped up and off the bed but stumbled as she fell to the floor with a squeak. Fred's head shot up confused, his hair poking in all different directions. "What? What's happened?"

George and Ginny died of laughter and Naia glared at them, hauling herself up, her cheeks red as a tomato at being caught sleeping in the same bed as a boy.

She looked down at Fred to now see him smirking smugly, realizing just what had happened, with his arms behind his head. Naia huffed and got dressed, still hearing the laughs of the two siblings behind her.

They all walked to the portkey where many wizards were waiting their turn. Naia whipped her head around to look for Maria or Matty, she had to know if they were alright.

"George, could you help me look for Maria or Matt? You can see better than I can," Naia said, referring to his tall frame. He nodded and looked around the crowd, but didn't spot them. Naia sighed in disappointment.

They had arrived back at Stoatshead Hill and began walking to the Burrow.

Mr. Weasley and Percy had rarely been home the next few days. It was now Naia's last day at the Burrow before heading back to Hogwarts. The rain poured from outside the window as everyone seemed to relax in the living room. Naia was curled up next to Fred who had an arm wrapped loosely around her, making comments and suggestions as the twins whispered back and forth on making new order forms.

"Should we include the Toffees already?"

"Yes, what happened to Harry's cousin was hilarious," Naia said, writing it down on the form. The twins agreed that she'd write the final copy since her handwriting was 'formal', whatever that meant.

"What are you three up to?" Mr. Weasley said sharply, eyes on them.

"Homework," said Fred.

"Don't be ridiculous, you're still on holiday," She retorted.

"Just helping Naia out with some advanced studying," George shrugged.

"You're not by any chance writing out a new order form, are you? You wouldn't be thinking of restarting Weasley's Wizard Wheezes?"

"Now, Mum," Fred said, looking up at her with a pained look on his face. "If the Hogwarts Express crashed tomorrow, and George and I died, how would you feel to know that the last thing we ever heard from you was an unfounded accusation?"

Everyone burst into laughter, including Mrs. Weasley. They suddenly heard a crack in the kitchen and Molly dashed to greet her husband home.

"Oh, Emmaline! So good to see you!" Mr. Weasley and Emmaline walked out of the kitchen. Naia sprang upwards to hug her mother.

"Mum! Stop being too busy for me, would you? How are you, what have you been doing for the ministry? Is-"

"Slow down, kiddo!" Emmaline laughed, touching Naia's now healed gash. "I'm sorry for disappearing all of a sudden, there were security breaches you see and I had to handle a few of them."

Everyone gathered around for dinner. Arthur and Emmaline seemed stressed as they talked about what's been going on in the Ministry.

"It's a shit show really-"

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