78 | Beginning of the end

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A/N: Here we goooooo

Naia pulled on the hood of her cloak securely as they landed by the back entrance of Hogwarts. It was almost a nostalgic feeling, coming back here. But she didn't have time to dwell on that.

Fred and Ardeas unlocked the entrance and soon, the six were running through the familiar halls of the school. They quickly shrunk their brooms as they ran towards the heart of the castle. They weren't very sure where they should be going, but George's 'point me' charm seemed to be leading them towards the direction of the great hall.

They were quiet and stealthy, not knowing which Deatheaters could be lurking about. Their cloaks kept them securely out of sight as they winded down the stairs and past the courtyard.

The group stopped in their tracks as soon as a snake-like voice began hissing from thin air. There was a chill that shrouded them all, and they stood, wide-eyed, listening to the voice of Voldemort that shook them to their very core.

"I do not want to kill you. I have great respect for the teachers of Hogwarts. I do not want to spill magical blood-"

"What evil this is," Ardeas mumbled, astounded by the severity of dark, powerful magic that came from this voice. Never had he experienced such a dark wizard as this. In all the years he's lived.

Naia broke from her reverie and grabbed the closest person to her- which so happened to be Maria, and dragged them to continue their pursuit to the great hall. The others swiftly followed.

"Give me Harry Potter," said Voldemort. Naia's eyes widened. Harry was here. In the school!

"Harry?" Fred breathed, his pace suddenly quickened along with his wife.

"Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave the school untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you shall be rewarded. You have until midnight."

They neared the double doors of the great hall just as Naia heard a familiar shrill of a voice exclaim, "But he's there! Potter's there. Someone grab him!"

Her heartbeat quickened. No way. No one was taking Harry to that monster!

She ran ahead and in a panic, threw her arms before her, releasing a powerful gust of wind. It blew the doors open, nearly strong enough to have ripped it off its hinges.

"He's not going anywhere."

The wind blew quietly around them as the party of six burst into the great hall. Sharp gasps and screams could be heard from their sudden entrance, and Naia felt over a hundred eyes on her. But she didn't look at them. Her focus lay solely on her godbrother that stood in the midst of a sea of students.

"Naia." He breathed in astonishment.

The others strode behind her, wands raised and ready for a fight. They suddenly lowered it at the sight of the Order members and friends they had come to miss during the time they were gone- all alive and well.

Naia walked with purpose. Whispers and gasps of disbelief echoed all around her, for she was supposed to be dead. Many couldn't believe what they were seeing. Naia Vance was very much alive.

"Naia? Naia Vance?"

"Vance? But she's dead!"

"How is this possible?"

"It can't be."

She drowned it all out, and in a rush of emotion, hurled herself at her godbrother. His arms wrapped around her instinctively. "You're okay, you're alive." She whimpered.

"I'm glad you are too." He replied, sending her a squeeze. She pulled apart only to be grabbed into another pair of arms. This time much tighter.

There was a heavy pounding on Emmaline's chest the moment she lay eyes on her daughter. A huge weight had lifted off of her shoulders and settled into the beating crevices of her own heart. Only Sirius and Remus knew of the pain she had gone through the past few months. The crying, the worrying. She poured all her distress into caring for Theon, sometimes holding him so close when she felt Naia's absence the most. It was a hollow feeling she's only felt once- when Naia had been struck by the killing curse. Going about each day in a comfortable house, granted they were in hiding, she couldn't help but think about where Naia was every single day. Not once did her daughter leave her mind, and her absence only echoed louder when she lay alone at night. When Theon would sleep and Sirius and Remus were out on missions. The constant worry in her heart and longing to see her daughter again.

Diving Into You | Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now