8 | Hogsmeade

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Fred Weasley had never looked forward to a Hogsmeade trip so much in his five years at Hogwarts. "Four butter beers please Madame Rosmerta!"

"Good to see you, Fred! Coming right up."

He glanced at the booth as George and Lee were joking around with Naia about Professor Snape. Truly, he had been annoyed about their teasing and he knew they were scheming to get him to ask Naia to accompany them on their Hogsmeade trip that day. But now looking at where he was, he could only be grateful they pushed him to do it.

Naia had absolutely no clue as to what was being said around her by those in their year. Rumors about her reputation at Irvermorny that he knew were untrue had gotten around, and it only made the other boys in their year determined to try their chances with her. They just haven't gotten the chance to because, well- of Fred and George.

Fred knew he wasn't the only one pining for her attention. But in the three weeks he's known her, they had gotten pretty close, and the last thing he and his brother wanted to see was her getting hurt by some git. It's not like they've been restricting her from meeting new people either. She seemed to like gravitating towards what was familiar, and Fred had absolutely no problem with that.

It was strange for Fred to feel such a way after knowing her for less than a month, but he'd been spending nearly everyday talking to her now, during their meal times and when he'd walk her to and from classes. He'd already gotten a couple of tardys from Snape and Flitwick but he didn't care really.

"Here you go, Dearie." Madame Rosmerta said. Fred came with the levitating glasses of Butterbeer and slid into the booth next to Naia.

"You ready for your life to change for the better, Vance?"

"Has Snape finally quit?"

"-fraid not love, but this'll definitely be a good consolation" Fred laughed.

The three watched Naia in anticipation as she went to sip her Butterbeer.

"Oh my god" She moaned.

Fred shivered.

"This is incredible!" She said, gulping more of the Butterbeer. "Way better than Snape quitting-"

"Told you!"

"I could have five of these."

Fred watched her happily drink her Butterbeer. He pushed his glass towards her. "Here."

Naia shook her head furiously. "Nuh uh that's yours."

"I've grown up drinking the stuff,"

"Dad used to make it when we'd have night terrors."

"Mum never found out, but it always made the bad dreams go away."

Fred and George proceeded to tell Naia more of their childhood stories, making her and Lee almost snort on their Butterbeer.

"Ickle Ronnie-kins and Freddie had their arms held up, Ron was only five mind you-"

"What was the unbreakable vow?!" Naia asked in disbelief. She couldn't believe the twins were already causing this much mischief at the age of seven.

"Can't remember, something about the gnomes I believe- anyway, dad walked in and saw it, went absolutely mad-"

By the time Naia finished her butterbeer and half of Fred's, the three decided to show her their favorite shop among them all- Zonko's.

They walked up the hill and Naia shivered at the slight chill in the September air. Being from her tropical home, she had a much lower tolerance for the cold.

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