42 | Fight Back

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"I can't believe she's just done that to Trelawney!" Hermione sighed, blasting a spell at a moving target in the Room of Requirement.

"I know, she's complete rubbish," Ginny said, doing the same. They had just witnessed Umbridge sack the Divination professor in the courtyard.

The radio was on in the background as the teenagers practiced. Naia was trying to manipulate an air funnel for the first time. It was quite challenging to contain the winds into an air funnel around four feet long, but Fred and George were eager for her to master it in order for them to shoot things like a canon.

"Couple of more escapes from Azkaban! Bellatrix Lestrange and Agustus Rookwood! The ministry has been investigating the plots behind these attempts, and fingers point to the notorious Sirius Black!"

"The ministry just needs someone to blame for Voldemort breaking all his Deatheaters out," Harry grunted.

"He really is out there isn't he?" Hermione said with a worried expression. "This is absolute rubbish, we're not learning enough from the school to pass our OWLS, we're not learning how to defend ourselves properly-"

"What are you talking about, we're literally training right now!" Ron said.

"Yes, and I'm grateful. But, it's just not fair for them to deprive the students of proper Defence. More people than just us know we need to be equipped during these times. Which is why I've been thinking..."

"'bout?" Naia said, sticking her tongue out in concentration now that she finally managed to control the air into a spiral motion by her side. Fred and George cheered at her near success.

"Perhaps we could... open up our training sessions to those who would like to learn as well."

Everyone began to look at her. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I've been talking to some people the other day and a few really want to learn more about Defense Against the Dark Arts. You heard the Sorting Hat's warning... now's the time to be united. We're stronger in numbers. We need to be prepared..."

"I think it's a great idea," Naia smiled. Ron and Ginny nodded as well.

"So we'll have like a class then? Or like a teaching session?" Harry asked, "Who'd be teaching?"

"Well, I thought maybe you, Fred, and George could."

Fred and George laughed. "Us?!"

"You two are the best trained among all of us here. You've been training with Naia for years now, and not to mention have dueled Aurors like Emmaline and trained with Sirius and Lupin. You've even trained with Dumbledore! You've got the most experience-"

"Yeah but teaching?" George cringed.

"Sorry, Granger, it's off-brand for us."

"Oh, c'mon you two-"

"I'd rather not be a 'professor'. In case you haven't noticed, authority figures and us don't really mix." Fred sniggered.

"Yeah, not good for our image. We'd be happy to aid in demonstration though," George offered. "But as for teaching, Potter and Vance are advancing furthest."

"I'll pass on the teaching too," Naia said sheepishly. "They don't know why I've got this skill, it'll look quite sketchy. I don't exactly have the credentials-"


"-but," Naia continued, "Harry does. He's fought Voldy in the flesh-"

"Voldy?" Ginny giggled.

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