33 | Mine

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A/N: ⚠️ Warning: Mature scenes in this chapter. Gets a little steamy towards the end. (nothing too crazy though). So if you are uncomfortable reading that type of content, feel free to skip that part.

Also, 10/10 recommend listening to the song attached for ultimate feels. 💗 👆 Captures Fred and Naia's feelings perfectly.

"Ouch! Oh, really, Naia-"

"Stop touching them, it'll make it worse!" She scolded Hermione as they walked towards the hospital wing on a Tuesday morning. The post had come today and thanks to her and Hermione royally pissing off Rita Skeeter, they had received quite a handful of hate mail due to a rather nasty article.

"Didn't know Potter and Diggory had such crazed fans," Fred mumbled, annoyed, walking along with the two girls.

One of the envelopes addressed to Hermione contained undiluted bubotuber pus, which burned sores all over her hands, thus ruining their breakfast. Naia was just about to open one with the same contents before Fred slapped it out of her hands, unexpectedly burning his own in the process.

"Stop picking at it, Freddie!" Naia said, pulling his hands into her own.

Madame Pomfrey rubbed some healing ointment onto both Fred and Hermione's hands, going to wrap them in a bandage afterwards.

"You know, I bet if you kiss it better, I'll be healed twice as fast." Fred said to her.

"Bet for 5 galleons?"

"How about 5 kisses?"

"Fine. Deal. But make it 10. You already get 5 for saving my precious fingers."

Once they were done being treated, Naia and Hermione headed to Care of Magical creatures. "You alright, Hermione?" Ron asked, taking her bandaged hands in his and examining them. Naia didn't miss her slight blush at the gesture. "Fine, Ron."

Pansy Parkinson and her gang of Slytherin girls were sniggering right next to them. "Potter, have you split up with your girlfriend? Why was she so upset at breakfast?"

Hermione glared and was about to bite back when Naia suddenly chimed in. "Don't mind them, Hermione. They just hate us cause they ain't us-"

Ron nodded in agreement, "Yeah, Anus, the lot of them."

"Not what I meant but close enough."

Naia listened absentmindedly as old Professor Binns droned on about the life and trials of the great Peleus Incarcerus- great wizard inventor and author.

"It was in 1356 BC when Incarcerus had gone through the most trial in his life... his entire family and crew had fallen victim to dark creatures of the sea, which lead to the great war against the sirens. It was much less of a war, and more of an extinction..."

"Extinction?" Lavender Brown asked.

"Yes, yes... Peleus Incarcerus had lead the great Siren hunt. This was back before any magical committee had been formed between wizards and other beings. Incarcerus was native to Greece, but only ventured to rougher waters as he explored new islands to serve the king. One of his ships had been taken down by Sirens. They are the ancestors of the merfolk, but you won't find that much on them in most of your textbooks because it had been so long since they had been hunted into extinction. What we know of them, we only know through the word of mouth and research of the wizards and witches of the time..."

Naia raised her hand, "Professor.... could you tell us a little more about them then?"

"Oh, yes, Ms. Vance! I know little, but they were said to be dangerous creatures of the sea, using their enchanted voices to lure sailors to shipwreck. Incarcerus describes them as beautiful, but undoubtedly evil to the very core. Most of them were known to be heartless beings that harbored hate and feasted on the flesh of man..."

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