39 | Detention

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"Who needs all these people to escort them on a bloody train!"

"You and Harry, that's who,"

Naia grumbled as she walked down the steps with Ginny, their trunks in hand.

"This is how famous people must feel like," Naia sighed, looking over the rails to see the group of people that were to be leaving with them to King's Cross. "There they are, my security team."

Ginny giggled, and then all of a sudden, Naia felt a shift in the wind behind her and turned swiftly to stop whatever it was from hitting her. She was a tad too late to grab Ginny, and so the flying trunks hurdled straight towards the youngest Weasley, knocking her down two flights of stairs with a bang.

"Goodness! Ginny!"

"You alright, Gin?" Naia asked worriedly. She looked up to see a guilty-looking Fred and George with their wands out, clearly levitating the trunks down with magic.

"WHAT WERE YOU TWO THINKING YOU COULD HAVE DONE HER A SERIOUS INJURY!" Mrs. Weasley screamed. Naia went to help a laughing Ginny up as she held her head in pain. "I'm alright, mum."

"Sorry, Gin." Fred said.

"Was aiming for Vance." said George.

"Security!" Naia snapped her fingers, pointing at the twins who were laughing as they descended the stairs.

Tonks laughed, morphing herself into a tall bald man with sunglasses and a suit. "These two bothering you, Ma'am?"

"Yes, those outfits are hurting my eyes."


"You gave me this scarf last Christmas!"

"Precisely, it was LAST season," Naia rolled her eyes.

Emmaline called upon her and the twins, "Alright, you three will be walking to the station with Lupin and me."


"Just, protection, alright? Moody's got your trunks covered. Now, c'mon, let's get going. Remus!"


And so they soon arrived at King's Cross and waited for the rest of their party arrive. Naia spotted Harry with Tonks, Mrs. Weasley, and Sirius, while Mr. Weasley brought Ginny, Ron, and Hermione.

"Alright, remember what I've told you. Lay low, no trouble, please, Don't go anywhere alone, keep your senses alert-"

"Yes, mum, I will I will-"

"Naia, don't forget everything we've covered, hmm? Use your wand as a first defense and your gift as a last resort-"

"You're acting as if I'm going to be attacked any moment," Naia frowned. Emmaline sighed and pulled her daughter in for a tight hug. "I know, I'm sorry. That won't happen. We just want you to be safe and careful. Hogwarts is safe, especially with Dumbledore."

Naia felt a tug on her coat and she bent down to hug the furry black dog tightly. The dog whimpered and licked her hand. "I'll miss you, dad. Don't get too depressed without me around."

Sirius barked and Naia laughed, looking up at her mum and Lupin, "Yeah, I forget you have quite good company nowadays," Naia rolled her eyes, causing Sirius' tongue to hang happily from his open dog grin.

They all boarded the train and Naia laughed heartily as she saw Sirius chase after it before disappearing as they left the station. Fred and George had dragged her into a compartment with Lee to discuss business.

"Alright Jordan, we've got loads to fill you on with our summer progress. You're still down to help us out with marketing, right?"

"Of course," Lee scoffed. "You'll need my good looks to gain those customers."

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