10 | She's Hiding Something

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Fred and George Weasley sat in their dorm room looking at the Marauders' Map. "I'm telling you, Georgie, I don't think its some form of wandless magic."

"How can you be so sure? Your eyes were closed for Godric's sake."

Fred kept what Naia did for him that night to himself for the most part. He was touched by the sweet gesture she did to keep him warm, and he would be lying if he said that he didn't get that familiar feeling of stomach flips whenever he thought about it. But he was a curious lad, and he wanted to know what exactly she did.

When he approached her about it, she acted squeamish and dismissive. Truly, he thought it was just some form of wandless magic, but never in his life had he witnessed his parents or any of his older brothers produce a spell like that. He'd call it a warming charm, but it wasn't, he didn't even feel the magic when she did it. Usually spells give off an feelable energy, and this had nothing of the sort. He asked her to just tell him the spell she used, and she dismissed him with a laugh saying he was possibly dreaming and that she did no such thing. Fred being Fred... kept pushing and asking until she snapped.

She didn't mean to, but she was running late for a training session with Dumbledore and angrily told him to drop it before 'going to bed'. Fred, seeing that it bothered her, didn't bring it up again. They both apologised to each other the next morning, but Fred was now suspicious of whatever Naia was hiding. That's when he decided to tell his twin about it. "I swear, the magic was different. It didn't feel like some spell, trust me I would know."

"Okay, and why are we stalking her on the map? Or has your obsession reached an unhealthy level at this point-"

"We aren't stalking, just.... watching to see where she goes. Don't you ever notice we never see her on Tuesday and Thursday nights?"

"Yeah maybe because she goes to bed and wants her space...?" Fred shook his head furiously. "That night, when I asked her about it, I was in the common room by the corner with the chess set, and I saw her sneak out the portrait hole."


"I wasn't stalking, I was already there!"

"Okay okay, so where'd she head off to?" George questioned.

"Dunno, she came back around two hours later all tired and sweaty-"

"You don't think..." George's eyes widened in horror. Fred hit his brother upside the head. "Don't be daft! Of course not! It was more like she was tired-"

"Yeah that's what usually happens after a boinking sess-" Fred hit George with the map again, "She's not that type of girl!"

George chuckled and raised his hands up in surrender. "I know, Freddie, just messing. So where do you reckon she went? A midnight run with Pucey or something..." Fred glared at George once again. "That's why we have the map. It's a Thursday, we'll be able to see where she's gone."

"I don't really want to stare at a map for the next two hours."Fred huffed. "George c'mon just-"

"Oi! She's leaving her room!"

The twins watched as they saw Naia's name slowly leave her dorm room and walk towards the common room. It was nine in the evening, so it was currently when prefects were patrolling the place.

"Where's she going?" Fred muttered. He watched as her name went down the hall and into the stairs. George looked away and went to lay on the bed, playing with the biting teacup they were supposed to use on Percy the next day.

"She's on the seventh floor." Fred muttered. She had reached the seventh floor and turned left and stood in front of a wall. "Why is she just-" She began pacing back and forth. "The hell is she doi-"

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