Chapter Two

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"Wake up, bitch!" A loud voice screamed before a body jumped on me.

I groaned in pain and shoved her off, hearing a thud when she fell. I clutched my stomach and leaned up to see my dark skinned best friend laying on the floor rubbing her ass. Sadie's laughter rang out as she jumped up and landed on me again.

"I can't believe you're back!" She screeched.

"Get off." I whined but the girl didn't listen, unsurprisingly.

Sadie straddled me and sat up. "We have so much to catch up on. We're going apartment hunting today right? Gosh, I'm so happy you're back. Fuck, I was about to come over there and kill Bianca." She rushed out.

I sighed and closed my eyes. "You know that's not her name." I groaned with my hands on her thighs.

"Whatever. Are you sure you don't want to live here? It's rent free." She lightly bounced on me.

"Hey, Sade?"

"Yeah, Riles."

"I'm still very gay and you're still very hot. This position isn't doing me any good." I smirked up at her, knowing how to gross her out. We were too close for that and Sadie really didn't know boundaries.

"Ew gross. You're like my sister." She huffed and rolled off.

"Got your heavy ass to get off, didn't I?" I threw the cover off and got up. "And yes I'm sure about getting my own place. I do not need to hear my parents go at it all the time."

Sadie followed me into the bathroom as I brushed my teeth. "You can live with Kaiden. The cafe's apartment is bigger now."

I finished brushing and rinsing before answering. "I know what it's like living with him, no thank you."

She took her seat on the closed toilet lid as I undressed and hopped in the shower. We've been best friends for years, I can't count how many times we undressed in front of one another. Brittany always had a problem with it but Sadie and I never saw each other that way. For a brief moment I allowed myself to remember my ex girlfriend. After two years of having her in my life, parts of me still weren't used to not having her around. But then I remembered what I walked in on, and anger replaced the happiness she once brought.

"I figured we'd go out and enjoy the day while we apartment hunt." I heard her say over the sound of the water running.

"Sounds good." I answered just hard enough for her to hear, my voice a little strained.

The shower door opened harshly and the dark skinned girl appeared. "Do. Not. Fucking. Think about her. You hear me?" She pointed a finger at me. "She's a waste of oxygen and you don't need to be broken over her."

"Ever heard of personal space?" I raised a brow at her.

"Uh huh. Play dumb blondie." She walked out.

I laughed quietly and continued my shower.


We walked on the sidewalk, just having left the third apartment I checked out for today. Everything either went above my price range or I didn't feel comfortable.

"Food. I need food before we check out the others." Sadie groaned.

"Okay, but you're buying." I placed my arm around her shoulder.

"Bitch, I'm slaving around for you right now. At least buy me food." She scowled at me.

"I just finished college and haven't started working yet. My ass is broke." I shrugged sheepishly.

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