Chapter Seven

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Dressing up always took more time than I'd like. I could never decide what to wear. I told Quinn to be ready by eight and it was now ten minutes pass. I wondered how impatient she was at the moment. I fluffed my hair, leaving my curls to be as is, and took one last look at my reflection. I wore dark blue jeans, a casual off shoulder nude colored sweater and brown ankle boots.

I stuck my phone in my pocket and some cash in the other. I was never one for purses except for a necessary occasion. I walked out to see Quinn sitting on the couch, staring at her plants out on the balcony with a small smile. She seemed lost in thought as she waited and I found it difficult to interrupt her. She had on a black slightly baggy jeans, white t-shirt and a red flannel shirt tied around her waist. Her long hair fell around her shoulders as usual. She looked great.

"Hey, sorry I kept you waiting." I said, walking closer to her. "You look amazing by the way."

Her unique eyes looked away from her view to see me. Her little crooked smile widened just a bit, deepening those deep dimples. "It's okay, you look...beautiful." She murmured and got up.

The thing that got to me was, she said things as facts. Like she didn't say them to get a reaction out of me or to simply compliment me. I also couldn't help but let my mind drift to the many times Brittany got mad that I took too long to get dressed.

"Thanks. Were you waiting long?" We made our way to the door.

"Yes, but I got ready early so." She shrugged her little shrug.

We made the drive to the cafe in silence, a smile on my lips when I saw Quinn's head rocking side to side in time with the music.

"Do you sing?" I asked as we got out.

"Only when I want it to rain." She replied.

I stopped walking and grabbed her arm, effectively halting her steps. "Was that a joke?" I lifted a brow.

I watched a smirk slowly form.

"I don't know. Was it funny?"

A giggle left my throat as I shook my head. "I knew it. You're not shy at all but you do have the quiet thing down though."

Quinn reached out and opened the door, the music inside filling our surrounding. "Never said I was shy. People assume because I barely talk." She mumbled.

I hummed and walked past her, giving a quick 'thanks' as I did. Finding Kaiden and Sadie wasn't hard. They were the two adults bickering in the corner like two kids.

"Whatever, Kaiden. Be dumb." My best friend brushed hard against his shoulder.

"Hey, what's going on?" I stopped her.

"Nothing, I'm gonna get a drink." She went to leave but stopped when she saw Quinn. "Fuck, she's hot." She whispered before greeting Quinn. "Nice to meet you, roommate." Quinn nodded in reply.

I guided Quinn to a seat I saw Kaiden in along with a brunette girl.

"Hi, baby Kai" I said the nickname I gave him when I was younger, while placing a quick kiss on his cheek and sat, patting beside me for Quinn.

"Who the fuck is this?" The brunette with way too much makeup on asked.

I had no problem with people who used the stuff, but there was such a thing as too much.

Before my brother could answer I did. "The girl that can end your relationship in a second." I smirked cockily at her.

Sadie was right, I didn't like her.

"Who do you think you are?" The girl screeched.

"Someone who's been here before you, here while you are and will be here long after you leave." I kept my smirk in place, loving the way her face contorted into anger.

"Kaiden, what do you have to say for yourself?" She turned to her boyfriend.

"Vicki, meet my lovely sister, Rilee." He said tiredly.

Vicki turned to me with a shocked expression but I paid her no mind. Instead I turned to my company for the night. "Would you like a drink?"

Quinn already had her eyes on me. "Um, I'll get them. What do you want?" She leaned in slightly as she quietly asked.

"Just a coke." I smiled back at her.

I watched as she got up and walked to the counter, head down as usual. I didn't understand, she clearly wasn't shy so why did she look down so much. My brother's girlfriend tried getting my attention but I didn't bother with her. My eyes stayed on the dark haired girl who now sat on a stool. I could see men and women staring at her but she kept her eyes on her hands.

The night went on and I noticed Quinn not really interacting with anyone, even when Kaiden and Sadie tried to include her. She stayed by my side all night and spoke to me, but only when I asked something. Sadie and I sang our duet and then she left with a guy. Vicki and Kaiden were sitting across from us but Quinn didn't seem to want to be here any longer. I felt bad because I told her we'd celebrate her birthday but she looked lost.

"Kai, we're gonna go." I got up and Quinn hurriedly followed.

My brother tried to make us stay but relented soon after I reminded him about Quinn's birthday. We parted with a hug and I grabbed Quinn's hand and left. Once we were outside, I saw Quinn's brows furrowed as she stared at our link hands, a blush on her cheeks.

"Sorry." I mumbled and let go. "Can you give me a minute?" I asked, already walking to the entrance that led up to the apartment.

She swished her mouth to the side and nodded but didn't say anything.

I hurried and used the spare key to get inside. I had asked Kaiden to bake me a cake for her, since she said she liked it. There was this weird need that came over me to give the girl a good birthday. Although she talked like it didn't really bother her to spend it alone. I saw something flash through her eyes, something that resembled sadness and pain.

I took up the to go box he had it in, after spending five minutes looking for it. Leave it to him to practically hide the thing. Sprinting down the steps, Quinn had her head down, hair covering her face.

"Sorry, I couldn't find what I wanted." She looked up suddenly with a shocked but sad look. "What's wrong?" I asked in worry.

She shook her head and looked away.

"Quinn, what's wrong?" This time I asked more firmly but still kept my voice soft.

"I thought you ditched me." She mumbled and scratched her neck.

I felt my insides melt. "I wouldn't do that. Come on, let's go back."


Sitting out on the balcony, I had my feet up on the railing. Both my sites tonight was something I could get used to. The sky was filled with so many stars, and the full moon only made it more spectacular. To my right, my roommate had her ankle on her right knee as she happily ate her cake. She did offer me some but I declined. It was endearing really, the smile she had on all because of a simple cake.

"You didn't really enjoy yourself at the cafe." I pointed out.

She stopped eating and turned to me. "I don't really like crowded places."

"You could have said, I wouldn't have forced you to go."

"You didn't force me. You asked and I accepted." Another bite made its way into her mouth.

"Alright." I leaned back and looked to the sky again.

"R-Rilee?" She stuttered.

"Yeah?" I faced her with a smile, hoping to calm her.

"Well, I-I was wondering..." She stopped and looked down to the now empty box. "Will you be my friend?" She asked in a soft voice.

A grin replaced my smile. "I'd love to be your friend."

My reward for my answer came in the form of another cute smile.


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