Chapter Fifty Two

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Quinn brought me home, ushered me to go shower while she chose an outfit for me. I did everything without question because my girl looked too damn excited. Wrapped in a towel and hair up in a bun, I walked into our bedroom to see Quinn in her boxers alone as she inspected her choice for me.

"Ever wear this?" She asked, looking at the long navy blue jumpsuit. The neckline came down with a deep 'v' cut and open back.

I shook my head, walked closer to her and held her from behind. Pressing my lips between her shoulder blade and fingers tracing the dips of her defined abs, I sighed deeply. "A gift from my mom last year but I never wore it."

"Sweet, wear this and I'll go shower while you dress but you gotta let me go. I know what you're doing and we don't have time for naughty stuff." She got out of my hold while I stared dumbly at her retreating figure.

"Just wanted some damn birthday sex." I mumbled before doing as she said.

Quinn emerged from her shower as I did a light coat of make-up. I looked at her delicious figure through the mirror, eating up the way her muscles rippled with each movement. My girlfriend did everything slowly without even one glance at me. She pulled on her superman boxers, the material slapping onto her skin perfectly. Then her jeans, leaving it unbuttoned before holding up two shirts to her chest. It's like she's going this on purpose.

"Which one?" She asked me.

Still dazed with a lust filled gaze, I snapped out of my thoughts. "Um, the black."

"Can you leave your hair down? It's longer and I like it."

"Sure, baby." I put the lipstick cap back, styled my hair and slipped on the jumpsuit.

We left the apartment after finishing getting dressed and got on the road. Quinn kept my hand on her thigh as she drove, fingers nervously tapping on the steering wheel. I looked out the window, already knowing we were heading to my parents. Moms always made a big deal of our birthdays, saying we could do whatever we wanted before, after or during the day but a family dinner was a must. I figured Quinn's surprise had something to do with that so I kept quiet.

"Why's it so dark? Quinbee, it isn't really a surprise if I know they're in there." I spoke when we pulled up to my parents' driveway.

"Yeah, just shush." She jumped out to open my door. "Close your eyes."

"Why? I already know."

Quinn sighed and face palmed, muttering something I couldn't quite hear. "Ry, can you please just fudging close your pretty eyes. Please, angel?" She looked frustrated with me.

I found myself getting a bit agitated and huffed while doing as she asked. "You're the one who forgot my birthday." I mumbled with my eyes closed.

"I told you I didn't forget and you said you forgave me." Quinn fussed.

I opened my eyes again to look at her. "I do, for forgetting it in the first place."

Quinn squinted her eyes at me, looking like an angry kid as she pouted. "But I didn't forget. I was doing something for you."

I sighed and closed my eyes again. "Fine, let's just go." I waited for her to guide me but we stayed standing there. Opening my eyes again, I saw her looking down at me with a frown. "What?"

"You think I forgot but I didn't."

"Quinn, it's fine. You were-"

"But I didn't forget!" She raised her voice while jumping, both feet off the ground, and clenching her fists.

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