Chapter Fifty Four

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A/N: if you're not comfortable with the poly relationship or the fact that it involves a male, please feel free to skip until it switches to Quinn's POV. However if you do read it, any negative comments will be deleted.




I laid in my old bedroom, a sleeping Ava snuggled to my side. My mind spinned with different thoughts on how to approach our situation and make Ava comfortable. Sure, at the beginning of all this the three of us had agreed to everything that went down but things were clearly different now. I guess even condoms failed.

We didn't get a chance to talk just yet, Ava having broken down and cried herself to sleep. My arm tightened around her and I pressed her a kiss on her head, remembering her devastated expression. My initial reaction was fear, a baby was a huge responsibility but I knew I'd step up. My moms raised me better than to do otherwise.

Sadie came in with a glass of water and placed it on the bedside table before sitting next to me. She took Ava's hand that laid on my stomach and pressed a gentle kiss.

"Everyone's gone and your moms just went to bed. Quinn and Rilee stayed back though."

"I'm going to let her know I'll be here and respect any decision she makes regarding the baby. That's set and not up for negotiation but, when it comes to us." I looked at the girl I've loved for so long. "Where does it leave us? I know we both approached Ava and agreed to this but I need to know if anything's changed."

"Kaiden, I'm just as responsible as you are. I mean, I literally put your dick in her." She rolled her pretty brown eyes and I smiled at her bluntness, one of the many things I fell for. "I have feelings for both of you and I know you fell for her too."

"I did." I admitted. I didn't believe in falling for two people at the same time but both of them had the same effect on my heart.

"And I hope she feels the same for us because if we're going to do this, I want her comfortable and happy. If she doesn't, then we'll see." Sadie looked down at the sleeping brunette.


Ava blinked rapidly before revealing bright green eyes to us. Kaiden and I both stared down at the model with smiles, used to how she'd whine a little before completely waking up.

We all settled in bed to have our talk. Kaiden glanced at me then her, taking her hand to reassure her. I quickly kissed her cheek, gaining a cute little smile. One thing I've realised, was Ava's front. She used anger to hide her true feelings but deep down she just wanted to be cared for.

"Firstly I...I'm sorry Ava. I guess the condom broke and I didn't realise but I want you to know, neither of us is going anywhere. It's obviously your decision but wherever you decide, keep it or not, we'll support." Kaiden spoke while I nodded in agreement.

"We told you at the beginning that we liked you and wanted this. That hasn't changed and if anything..." I quickly chanced a look at Kaiden to see him nod. "Our feelings have grown. Should you decide to keep the...No, our baby, we'll be right here. Take your time and decide, okay?"

Ava's eyes glossed over as she sniffed. "I haven't thought about abortion, I don't think I could do that after thinking I lost my entire family for so long. I guess I only worried about what you two might think or if I'd lose you."

"You won't lose us." Kaiden answered her in a beat. "I'll warn you, I'm gonna be really bad at it at first but I'll never not try. For all three of you."

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