Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Where are we going?"

Quinn held my hand as we walked to her truck, Miss Nina had given it to her officially some time back. Our walk from our apartment to the 2021 Ford F-150 was made in silence. The raven haired girl seemed lost in thought, lips quietly mumbling to herself.

"Um, you'll see." She murmured, gently slapping my hand that reached for the door.

"Thank you, Quinbee." I smiled when she did it herself.

"Anything for you." She scrunched her nose and gestured for me to go in, not understanding what her nonchalant attitude did to me.

I hopped into the truck, watching as she continued to talk to herself as she went to her side. Everytime Quinn took charge of something, I had to remind myself not to overthink it. I wasn't used to being spoilded or taken care of. I did it myself. Even from a young age I attempted to do everything on my own. I liked being in control and not depending on anyone. Yet with this one girl, I let her. Quinn's actions weren't done in a demanding way, she was simply being Quinn. Which is why I let her do her thing.

"It takes a couple of hours to get there, that's why." I heard her quiet voice.

"Mhm?" I removed my gaze from the scenery outside and stared at her side profile.

"Where am taking you. It takes time to get there." She gave a quick glance before looking at the road again.

"Okay. Are you alright, sweetheart?" I asked, eyeing the firm grip on the steering wheel.

She nodded quickly, her sharp jawline ticking. "You look really nice." She blurted out. "Really really nice."

"Thank you." I whispered, a soft smile breaking free on my lips at her usual yet unusual behaviour.

I knew she must be nervous but I didn't want to bring attention to it. I leaned my head back and stared out the window once more. I tried listening to the little mumbles Quinn would say under her breath, but I couldn't piece together what she said.

"Oh!" I jumped at her suddenly raised voice. "I forgot, I bought snacks for the drive. It's in the glove compartment. Check it."

I opened said glove compartment and saw the bag of candy. Taking it out, I eyed the gummy bears, gummy worms, KitKat, Hersheys, Snickers, M&Ms and Skittles.

"It's only two hours, Quinbee." I teased, heart swooning at the gesture nonetheless.

Quinn's features however, dropped into a frown. "You don't like it? It's everything you like."

"No, I love it. Really I do." She didn't seem to believe me so I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Thank you." I whispered in her ear before placing another kiss there.


"Yes, you are."

I smiled at the blush on her face, feeling pleased that I affected her. It was only fair, this one human being that I've known for a few months had my insides in knots. Quinn only had to smile or laugh and I'd feel that rush. The crazy feeling of things falling into place and molding into something beautiful and new. Familiar emotions yet so different. I wanted to be as scared as I was earlier on but, sitting here with her, I've never felt more free.

"T-tell me something." She spoke after I fed her a gummy bear.

I chewed on one as I thought. "Well, what do you want to know?"

She gave me a side glance. "This Bailey chick. Tell me about her."

I laughed and shook my head. "Let me guess, Sadie?"

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