Chapter Thirty

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Ry stood at the stove, back to me as I walked while rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I woke up alone in her bed and I was so ready to whine about it but then I saw her. Looking so effortlessly perfect. The sun shined through the window and from the opened balcony doors, settling on the beauty that didn't notice my entry. Her skin glowed a golden hue as she hummed quietly, giving a little dance hop to go with it.

Ry's hair was up and I wanted it down. So, I did the only sensible thing and sneakily walked closer to her. I pulled out the Chinese hair pin that held her curls together, and smiled as it smoothly fell.

Ry jumped and hastily turned, eyes wide in panic before calming down. "Damn it, Quinn. Why'd you do that?" She grumbled, trying to reach for the hair pin.

I held it away from her and smiled cheekily. "I like it down." Her hair framed her pretty face and flowed past her shoulders. With amber eyes shining and pout in place, Ry tried reaching for the pin again. "Keep it down?"

She groaned with an eye roll and turned back to her task. I grinned, taking that as a 'yes.' "I'm going to go water my plants."

"Put some clothes on." She spoke and I turned to see her eyeing me up and down.

"Why? What's wrong with this? Does it make you uncomfortable?" I looked down at my boxers and vest, insecurity making itself known.

"No no no. I love that. All of it, truly." She turned off the stove and came to me. "But it's only mine to see and if you go out on the balcony," Ry cupped my neck with both her hands. "Other people will be seeing too." She peppered my chin and jaw with kisses before backing away. "So clothes."

My face broke out in a huge grin, whatever doubts and insecurity I just had leaving. She said I'm only hers to see! I did as told and threw on some clothes, then gave a little victory dance before tending to my plants.

When I came back in, Ry sat without food but a cup of coffee, a plate I assumed was mine in the spot next to her. "Where's your food?" I pulled back the chair and sat down.

"Hmm," she looked up from her phone. "Oh, I'm not hungry." She shot me a smile before resuming whatever she did on her phone.

"Why not?" I asked before shoving some eggs in my mouth, then bit a piece is bacon.

"I'm not hungry." She laughed softly, wiping the corner of my mouth with her thumb. "Slow down, Quinbee. We don't want you choking."

"Why not?" I listened and slowed down my eating.

Ry got up and moved to the sink to put her mug in. "Sometimes I'm not in the mood for breakfast."

"Why not?" I frowned, sipping on my juice.

Ry chuckled and shook her head, turning to lean on the counter. "Are you going to keep asking me that?"

I shrugged one shoulder a bit slowly and continued to eat, watching Ry walk to the couch. I left back half of my food and drank my juice. Picking up the plate, I went to sit by the beauty and held it out for her.

"Here." I clarified when she gave me a questioning look.

"I'm really not hungry, sweetheart." She leaned in and pecked my lips, continuing her work on her laptop.

"'s breakfast, the most important meal of the day. You have to eat. Why don't you want to eat? Are you not feeling well?" I worried.

Ry sighed and put the now closed device on the coffee table before facing me, one foot on the couch. "Nooo, I'm not sick. Sometimes I'm just not hungry on mornings."

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