Chapter Three

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I skipped down the steps, already dressed for the day. After meeting with my grandmom for breakfast, I'll be heading over to Miss Nina's. If I'm lucky I'd have an apartment by the end of the day.

"Morning, Ma." I greeted the woman who sang to herself while making breakfast.

"Good morning, breakfast?" She asked with her back still to me.

I grabbed a granola bar and mug for coffee. "I'm meeting grandmom for breakfast. She wants to make sure I'm up to speed with the current clients. "

She turned off the stove and faced me with a grimace. "She can't cook. You're safer here, trust me."

I lowered my mug down, trying not to spit out the liquid. "Grandma came back, she's making it." I told her after swallowing.

She nodded and went on to put food into a container. "I'm going to meet your mom before her first class starts. She left before giving me a kiss, the nerve of her." She grumbled. "You may want to stay away from the house tonight." She casually informed me.

I cringed at the thoughts she just gave me. "I'll leave with that."

"Hey," she called out and I stopped waiting for her to say something. "Nothing, I love you." She spoke after staring at me for a moment.

Ignoring the weird look, I replied. "I love you too, Ma." I turned and left for my car that my grandmoms bought me when I got my license years ago.

The drive there wasn't long and excitement bubbled through me. I hadn't seen them seen I've been back, safe to say my grandparents spoilt me. Knocking on the door, I tapped my foot waiting for it to open. In a blink, the door burst opened and I was being lifted off of the ground.

"My favorite granddaughter." Grandma shouted, arms that still had strength holding me.

"I'm telling Miranda and the twins." I laughed when she put me down.

"You just got bumped down to fourth place." She squinted her eyes at me. "Come on."

Though they were older, my grandmoms didn't really look their age. Grandma Logan still walked with grace and agility while grandmom Char's small frame made her look younger. That and the fact that her wife, now made her walk with her on a daily basis. They were that cute old couple you'd see exercising together on mornings. It really was adorable.

"Welcome home, sweetie." Smaller arms reached out for me.

I bent my upper body to hold the smaller woman, her familiar scent wrapping around me in comfort. I remembered days when she'd rock me to sleep and told me bedtime stories. "I missed home." I mumbled. I was always closer to her.

"Good. That means you'll stay." She pulled back. "Your mom told me about Brooke. I never liked her."

"It's Betty, Char." Grandma said.

I rolled my eyes, knowing Ma told her that despite knowing her real name. I opened my mouth to correct them but decided not to. Her name didn't matter anymore. "It is what it is."

"Oh sweetie, you deserve so much better than that." My grandmom cooed.

"Listen to her. She knows what she's talking about." Grandma said, mouth filled with food. "She was cheated on then she met me. I'm better." She grinned.

"Logan, stop talking with your mouth full."

I'm surrounded by adult children.

We ate together then went on to talk about work. She currently had two major contracts that I needed to take over. Pretty much everything was set and she'd accompany me to meet the models next week. Grandmom Jazz signed over her share in the business a while back, not having anyone who wanted to take over for her. She had no problem with me being in charge now.

Three hours later, I left to see Miss Nina. I waited for the woman to lock up, putting up her sign that read 'Be back in an hour'.

"I thought you had someone working for you?"

"Oh, she's off today." She smiled and gestured for me to walk.

We got to the building and made our way up to the seventh floor. Miss Nina took out a key from her pockets and opened the door, letting me in before she followed. We walked through the small hallway leading further into the apartment.

The first thing my eyes landed on was the plant filled balcony in front of me. The entire space was open planned. To the left sat the kitchen and a small dining table for four, the big space in the middle acted as the living room and to my right, a small hallway I assumed led to the rooms. Fully furnished and neatly kept, but minimal decorating, almost none really. Walls painted white and furniture a light grey, darker grey carpet spread across the entire living room floor.

"It's nice." I mumbled, liking it better than the other places I've checked out.

"There's two rooms but one bathroom though." She walked towards the hallway, which I realised was just a wall separating the living room to the bedrooms. Three doors lined behind the wall. "The first room is yours, middle door is the bathroom and the other is your roommate's."

"Who is my roommate?" I inquired, realising I had no idea who it was.

"Quinn, the girl that works for me. You won't have any problems with her, she's neat," she gestured to the well kept room. "She keeps to herself and doesn't overstep. Sweet girl. Of course, I know you'll have to meet." She checked her watch. "She should've been here by now." A frown appeared on her face.

As if on cue, the front door opened. Miss Nina left to meet the girl as I continued to look around. There wasn't a t.v. but maybe I'd get one. That really was the only thing missing.

"Rilee, this is Quinn. Quinn, Rilee may be your new roommate." She introduced us when they walked in, coming to stand right in front of me.

The girl who always kept her head down the last two times I saw her, finally lifted it. Dark hair fell gracefully out of her face, allowing me to get my first glance at her. The first thing I noticed was the bow shaped lips, then her very sharp jawline. My eyes traveled up to her nose, small but pointy, then her eyes. My breathing momentarily stopped when I soaked in what I saw.

Two different eye colors.

Both bright and beautiful. The right eye, a brilliant blue, the left an emerald green with gold flecks in both of them.

"It's nice to meet you." I smiled at the expressionless looking girl.

"You too." She answered softly, no smile returned.

She only glanced in my direction once before averting her gaze back down. She excused herself and left for her room. Miss Nina and I continued to talk, discussing payment. Which happened to be alot less than these other places, but then it did have a roommate. I agreed that I wanted it and I'd sign my lease the day I moved in. Which would be in a few days.

I exited the building feeling a weight lifted off of my shoulder. A feeling of being free consumed me. Not that living at home would have been bad, but I wanted a form of independence. I was about to go home then remembered what my Ma said. I made a U-turn and headed to Sadie's instead.


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