Chapter Ten

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I saw him on my right, but then he swiftly moved to the left. My feet repositioned as the bat in my hand swung and missed him, hitting down a flower pot instead and adding to the mess we made already. It didn't deter his rapid movements as he dodged and hid. I kept my eyes focused and ready, he wasn't going to get me. Not this time. Never again.

I'm ready.

Refusing to blink, I listened for what I couldn't see. Then I heard him. He was near again. A scream pierced through the flower shop when I realised he was right by my ear.

I'm not ready.

All my fake bravado gone, I threw it all out the window without a second thought. "Miss Ninaaa!" I screamed for my friend as I dropped the bat and ran behind the counter. "Help!"

Who was I kidding? I couldn't defeat him.

"What? What is it?" She came out in a panicked rush.

"He's here, it's Joey." I whispered from my place on the floor.

The old woman groaned and placed her hands over her face. "Not this again, Quinny."

"Just check and see." I said in a pleading voice, widening my eyes to show my fear.

Miss Nina walked out from behind the counter. I could hear her footsteps as she looked for my nemesis.

"There's no bee here, Quinny." She came back where I laid, her eyes looking down at me with a motherly smile. At least I hoped it was a motherly smile, I barely remembered what one looked like but hers brought me warmth.

"Are you sure?" I asked skeptically.

"I'm sure." She chuckled.

I cautiously got to my knees and peeked over the counter, seeing the mess I'd made while trying to kill the bee. Joey was no longer anywhere in sight. A smart one that little buzzer. Always came out when I stood defenseless and alone with no other witnesses.

"He knows you're here, that's why." I got up and dusted off myself.

I heard Miss Nina sigh before her voice came. "Clean this mess up, Quinny." She gently ordered, never one to raise her voice at me, she knew better. "And please, my dear girl, I'm an old woman. Stop screaming or one day I'll get a heart attack."

"I'll follow you to the grave." I called after her, making a show to clutch my heart and held a hand out as if reaching for her.

My friend turned around and smiled at me, shaking her head before leaving me to my work. Miss Nina lived in the connecting house to the shop.

I rocked my head to the music from my memory as I tidied my mess. Picking up broken pots and damaged flowers, while I kept an eye on the door. Sometimes I get so caught up that I won't hear the bell.

Just as I finished up, someone walked in. I kept my head down and walked around the counter, keeping my distance. "What will it be today?" I pretended to do something with my hands so it wouldn't look rude for not keeping eye contact.

The guy had wanted some roses for his girlfriend. It took very little time to get that and soon I was in the back, making sure everything was in order. Miss Nina came in to check on me and brought me snacks to munch on.

She's been nice to me since the day I met her. Sixteen and five weeks shy of seventeen, I walked into her shop my first day in this town, my duffle bag on my shoulder. That day my mood wasn't the best. Sad, empty and alone, I saw a flower shop, I loved flowers so I walked in, they always cheered me up. The old lady eyed me with caution at first, then upon realising I just wanted to admire the beauty that resided in her shop, started a conversation. Well, she talked while I listened. I didn't really take to new people, or people in general but it didn't take long to see this old lady meant no harm. Miss Nina, my first ever friend, saved me.

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