Chapter Forty

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I laid flat on my back, arms spread and eyes locked on the almost dark sky. My heart beat pounded against my ribcage, threathening to break the bones. My lungs begged for air as my airway felt clogged, an invisible hand choking the life out of me. My tears ran down my cheek freely. I didn't bother to stop them because more only followed.

I had this song stuck in my head. A song I heard once and I thought I'd never listen to it again because of how sad the words and tune were. I already had my own share of grief, I didn't need a stupid song doubling the pain. Today those words haunted me. Lately everything made breathing painful.

No, not everything.

Ry makes everything better.

I needed her but I'd left her in her Ma's office after they told me what they knew about my family. She tried calling but my hand refused to reach for my phone despite my heart's consistent pleading. With mind and heart at war, I allowed my mind to overpower my broken heart. I just just didn't have the strength to fight. Heart was weak anyhow, so I gave it a rest. That song, those words.

Just as a new wave of tears cascading down my cheek, I started to sing softly in my off key voice.

It feels like a tear in my heart
Like a part of me missing
And I just can't feel it
I've tried and I've tried
And I've tried

Tears on my face, I can't take it
If lonely's a taste then it's all that I'm tasting
Do you hear my cry?
I cry

Can you hold me?
Can you hold me?
Can you hold me in your arms?

The darkness surrounded me now. Not only had my mind been consumed but so was the sky. There weren't many stars out tonight, just another thing that left me feeling more alone. How pitiful it must be if even the night refused me some solace. Denied me the joy of looking up at the stars.

"Wait, wear this." I shrugged off my jacket and gave it to Ry. Her neck with my marks were too visible and I wouldn't want her Ma hating on me again.

She gave me a sheepish smile and put it on, the collar of the jacket enough to hide my artwork. "Thank you, baby." Her face dipped to take a whiff of it, no doubt smelling my scent. "Smells like you."

My heart fluttered at both her endearment and adorable action, soothing the ache in my chest. "Anything for you."

She knocked on the door before opening it, revealing Mrs Matthews and her aunt. Ry took my hand and guided me to a seat and sat beside me. I would've greeted them but I was too busy calming my breathing and staring at the file in the desk. Other papers were scattered around, a computer and some picture frames but that stood out. The name Summers was written in the middle.

"Sweetheart," a soft whisper stole my attention away. She always had the power to steal it, didn't she?

"What?" I tried not to frown.

She smiled nonetheless, "they're talking to you."

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