Chapter Sixteen

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"Hey, mom?" I answered my phone.

I closed my laptop and leaned back. I was home today, mostly relaxing.

"Just called to remind you about the family gathering in a few weeks. Your aunts and uncles are coming to town." She informed, clanking noises could be heard in the background.

"Yeah, I remember."

That'll be a mess. It always was when all the cousins got together and parents drank too much. Few years ago, Kaiden took Miranda, the twins and Parker out, then lost Parker. He was seven at the time. Kaiden called Sadie and I, we spent half an hour looking for the boy. He'd found a cat and decided to sit and play with it. That secret never left our circle. His dads would've killed us.

"You can bring along Quinn too." She added.

Thinking it sounded like a good idea but not knowing if she'd be up for it, I gave an answer. "I'll ask her mom."

"Alright-" a noise cut her off. "Riv, leave that alone."

"But look at it!" Ma's voice came from the background. "I want piece."

"Riles, I have to go. I love you."

"I love you too."

I tossed my phone to the side and got to my feet. Walking to the kitchen, I got a drink for myself and hopped onto the counter. I let my feet swing back and forth as I sipped on the juice that I took from Quinn.

My thoughts drifted to my ex. Wondering what she must be doing right this minute. Probably screwing Kelsey.

Her blue eyes came to mind, the way they looked at me. The way they shined when she laughed or glossed over on early mornings. How she felt in my arms or how she held onto me.

How was it so easy for her? To just throw away our entire relationship, no warning whatsoever. Or were there warnings that I refused to see? She'd told me she loved me that same morning before I left. The same words spoken with the same passion as always. The night before was spent drenched in sweat and moans.

What did I miss? Where did I go wrong? Why wasn't I good enough?

I stared at the glass in my hands and anger coursed through me. It burned and clawed beneath my skin. Raising my hand, I threw the glass against the wall. I waited until I calmed down and wiped my tear stained cheeks, before going to the supply closet.

I walked over with a broom and scoop with the intention of cleaning my mess. One of the pieces must've flown further away than I thought, because something sharp cut through my feet.

"Fuck!" I hissed. I saw blood dripping, pooling on the floor. "Oh fuck you, Betty."

I tried to put my feet down but that proved to be too painful. I groaned quietly and held the foot up, balancing using the broom in my hands.

"What happened here?"

I jumped, not having heard her come in. "Broke a glass." I mumbled, eyes on the blood on the floor.

"Dang, you're bleeding." Her hand held my waist while the other took the broom from me. "Can you walk?"

I shook my head. Quinn effortlessly picked me up bridal style, stepped over the glass and set me down on the counter.

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