Happy Pt.3

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I sat on the floor of the flower shop, knees to my chest and arms wrapped around them. My name was now on the sign outside after Miss Nina helped me turn half of the flower shop into a space for my landscaping business.

It didn't feel the same to be in here anymore without her. There was no one to check up on me or make me have tea. I didn't like tea, but I recalled all the times I'd sit through a cup just for her.

I smiled to myself as I remembered the very first time I got stung by a bee and whined like a child while Miss Nina took care of the sting. When I first got here I was so skinny until she fattened me up and made sure I went back to school. I couldn't begin to think where I'd be now if she didn't take me in.

I never would've met Ry, fall in love or have a small family I couldn't imagine living without. Our baby wouldn't have existed and I probably never would've known my sisters were alive. I wouldn't have met the Matthews and become a part of their family.

Miss Nina gave me more than I could ever repay, just as Ry did.

Love, compassion, acceptance, her heart. I was a wife, mother, a sister again because of her. Arms to hold me whenever I felt cold, someone to talk to when I needed. I had family and friends who welcomed me without question. With her support, I'd grown my business and found a way to give the same amount financially as she did.

Screams didn't echo in my head anymore, only the laughter and giggles of my wife and daughter. I no longer walked with my head down or felt uncomfortable when strangers stared. Ry gave me confidence, she was gentle and patient. She allowed me to be in control when I needed, knowing I'd never take advantage of her.

Two different women, two different loves, both equally important to me. One was gone now, I didn't want to lose the other.

I still felt the panic and fear from that night. I could still see Raina's tiny body seemingly lifeless and Ry's unresponsiveness. I could hear the chaos around us as the doctors and nurses rushed to help while I was being shoved out of the room.

My family dying right in front of me a second time.

I didn't want to do it again, I didn't want Ry pregnant or going through it again. I didn't think we'd be here so soon again, but we were.

I stumbled while trying to get up, my legs numb from sitting too long. My eyes were dry from crying and my nose burned from rubbing too hard. I'd been here for hours since Ry told me she was pregnant.

No words were said to her, I just left. It was wrong, I was well aware of how wrong it was to walk away from my wife and child at home. I needed to think and avoid reacting in any negative way towards her. I'd given her enough to be hurt about recently.

I shook my legs a little before heading to the door, locked up and entered my truck. I was only half surprised at the zero calls or texts from her, somehow knowing she'd leave me be.

I pulled up into our driveway, the lights all on. It was only seven when I checked the time, so Raina would still be up and playing. I climbed out the truck and walked up to the front door, using my keys to let myself in.

I walked further in and turned to my left where our living room was. Ry and Raina were in the playpen messing around with some colored blocks.

My wife was the first to see me and I wanted nothing more than to beg for something at the sadness in her eyes. Amber eyes weren't smiling back at me tonight, they were too tired after weeping for weeks because of me.

"Dada," Raina called and crawled to the fence to pull herself up, jumping without actually leaving the ground.

I smiled at her pleading eyes to be held and obeyed. "Hi, little angel." I lightly tickled her cheek. Incomprehensible words fell out of her mouth as her hands gripped my hair. "No, pulling bad."

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