Chapter Eighteen

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For the first time in a really long time, it wasn't hard to look at myself in the mirror. I ran my hand through my now short hair, feeling okay and I liked that. It had been a while since I could look at myself and not flinch away. My eyes were no longer dead and my face now had an 'alive' look to it.

Already dressed for work, I walked out of my bedroom. I found Ry sitting on the living room floor, doing something on her laptop. Looking over at the dinner table, I only saw one plate.

"You ate without me?" I asked quietly, disappointed with that.

She jumped a bit, probably not having heard me come in. "Oh, no I haven't. Not hungry."

Ry sat staring up at me. She always looked at me but now it was different. Her stares lasted longer and seemed more deep.

"Oh. Why not?" I moved closer and sat next to her.

She shrugged, not looking at me. "One of those mornings, I guess. You should go eat."

I swished my mouth to the side, thinking about inviting her with me. I knew she didn't have work because her project got cancelled until next week. But I didn't know if she even liked the outdoors. She must, since she's a photographer but then she might get dirty. Some girls didn't like getting dirt on them.

"Would you like to come to work with me? You can see how it's done." I asked, moving her attention away from her laptop.

"You sure? I'd probably just get in your way." She tilted her head, blonde curls falling into her eyes.

I watched her slender fingers push them in place, my own hand itching to touch them myself. I loved the way they looked. The blonde spirals shined golden due to the morning sun seeping through. Equally neat and messy at the same time.

I figured Ry liked me enough to share her food, so it'd be alright to touch her hair. I reached up and took one strand and twirled it in my fingers. Smiling at how soft it felt and loving the way it sprung up when I let it go.

"You won't. You'd actually be helping me. Sometimes I get bored but you may get dirty and burnt." I spoke softly with my eyes still on my small task.

When I locked eyes with her, I realised we had gravitated closer. Ry stared into my eyes, her own orbs burning with curiosity about something. I didn't know what. I glanced lower and her lips were right there. So soft and inviting. I could just lean in and...

No, bad Quinn.

I slowly backed away, not wanting her to be uncomfortable. Her hair left my hand as I did so and my lips formed a small frown.

Ry cleared her throat and answered. "If you're sure then alright. I'd like to see you in action." She smiled.

I noticed for some time now, Ry always smiled with her eyes. Whenever she was happy and without even laughing physically at times, they glowed and the amber color became more visible. Sometimes when we stayed up at night watching movies and she got too sleepy, they'd have this softer glow to them.

"Let's go." I got up and helped her to her feet.

"Quinbee?" She called from behind me.

"Yeah?" I swiftly turned around.

"Food." She pointed to the plate, chuckling softly. "And I still have to get dressed."


Huh, I got so happy for the company that I forgot about food. Who forgets about food?

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