Chapter Four

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Placing the box down, Sadie threw her body on the loveseat I had in here. I signed my lease earlier on, then spent the rest of the day moving in. My moms were out in the living room bringing in more boxes. I didn't really have much stuff but the more people the faster I'd be done.

"You barely did anything, get your ass up." I threw a pillow her way.

"Just...let me be." She mumbled with her eyes closed.

Shaking my head, I continued to unpack and rearrange as fast as I did. My room didn't have much, a bed, a night stand, and a closet. I needed a dresser. All my work would have to be done at the studio, which would suck because I liked having somewhere to do my personal work.

"We are not doing this again." Mom groaned as she walked in.

"All I'm saying is, wake me up next time. Leaving without a kiss is just plain disrespectful." Ma muttered walking in behind her.

"I did kiss you! You were just asleep." Mom threw her hands up.

"Wake me up then!" Ma stomped her feet.

Three days and they were still on that.

Mom rolled her eyes and ignored her then. "Do you need anything else, sweetie?"

"Uh no, I think that's it." I said while looking around.

"Okay, bye. Kailee let's go." Ma grabbed her wife's hand and pulled her to the door. "We love you."

"Call if you need anything." Mom got out before she was dragged off.

I looked over to Sadie and went to her. "Sade, help me." I lightly kicked her leg that hung off the loveseat.

The girl barely carried three boxes and she acted like she did everything.

"Fuck off." She gave me the finger.

"Don't make me do it." I warned. She didn't budge. "Last chance." I sang out, fingers inching closer to her.

My best friend peeked an eye open. "I will murder you."

I shrugged and attacked the dark skinned girl. Her laughter rang through the room as she failed to stop my assault on her ribs. Being tickled was one thing she despised.

"F-fucking s-stop!" She screamed while laughing.

I continued on for a little more, not yet ready to give her mercy. By the time I had stopped I was sitting on her legs, knees on either side.

"How are you so fucking weak?" I laughed at her attempt to shove me off.

"I'm not, you just weigh a ton." She groaned, still trying to push me. "This has to be some form of abuse."

Sadie was a small little shit really, 5'2 but with a mouth that made up for it.

"Why are you so fucking strong? Is that a lesbian thing?" She stopped and looked up at me in wonder.

Leaning down, I hovered over her. "No, it's a me thing." I blew her a kiss.

She laughed and shoved my face away. "Get off of me."

I chuckled but complied. We stopped playing around and actually got to unpacking. When we were done, I ordered us pizza and we sprawled off on the couch waiting for it to arrive.

"Where's your roommate?" Sadie asked, she laid on her back as she stared up at the ceiling.

I hadn't seen Quinn since our brief introduction. She wasn't here when I arrived this morning, so I assumed she was probably at work.

"No clue." I replied, yet again thinking about her eyes.

I obviously knew about heterochromia but I'd never met someone who had it. Breathtaking, the only word I could think of that described it. The girl had a unique beauty to her, though I was curious why she hid it so much.

Our pizza came and I paid. After eating and goofing off some more, Sadie left for work. I busied myself with preparing for work, planning locations and everything else for these two projects. A magazine wanted a photoshoot for their body positivity campaign but that would be later on. The first project I had, I just wanted a simple beach shoot. Tomorrow I'd meet with the crew that I'll now be leading and then the models.

About an hour later, I heard the front door opening and closing. It was quiet so I walked out of my room and leaned against the wall. I saw her slightly taller frame than mine, appear around the corner, head down as usual.

"Hey." I called out softly but you would've sworn I screamed it by the way she jumped up.

Hand on her chest, the girl stared wide eyed at me. She didn't answer, just stared.

"Um," I started but realised I didn't know what the fuck to say. "I was wondering if you wanted to..." wanted to what Rilee? "Hang out someday. Get to know each other since we are roommates."

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Why?" She asked softly.

"To get to know each other." I repeated slowly.

She silently let her eyes look around for a minute or two. "Why do you want to know me?"

"Well, we live together." I said simply.

She barely lifted a single shoulder, chewing on her bottom lip. "Night." She went into her room and shut the door.



Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I let my feet carry me to the kitchen. I didn't get much sleep last night, not yet accustomed to the new place. It'll probably take me a while to be comfortable here.

I suddenly stopped when I saw the raven haired girl standing in the kitchen. She looked up when she heard me, a glass of juice in front of her.

"Good morning." She greeted softly.

"Good morning." I gave her a smile.

She pursed her lips as she looked down into her glass. I stood there feeling a little awkward.

"Do you want breakfast?" She looked back up with squinted eyes.

"Uh, sure." I fidgeted with the ends of my sleep shirt."

"Oh." She frowned. "I don't know how to cook." She whispered, scratching her neck.

I giggled a little. "Why'd you ask then?"

Her shoulder lightly shrugged the same small shrug. "Seemed like the polite thing to do."

I bit my lip trying not to laugh. "I can make something." I said walking into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and within a second closed it back. "Well, that's empty."

Quinn had turned around to look at me. "Sorry, I don't really buy groceries because I can't cook and mostly order in." She mumbled softly.

"Well I do. I'll buy some stuff today." I told her, staring into her different yet equally captivating eyes.

She didn't answer and drank her juice. I watched her wash the glass, dry it and placed it back. Without another word, she went into her room.


Looking around, I noticed how empty the kitchen was as well. Quinn didn't have any personal items lying around. Almost like no one lived here. Not a picture frame or even a damn lamp. Well, except for the plants on the balcony. Miss Nina, informed me that they belonged to Quinn.

The quiet girl came back out, beelined to the front door and left.

Not even a goodbye.

"This is gonna be something." I muttered to myself.

I got myself ready for the day and left for my first day of work.


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